The President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky said that establishing the causes of the crash of Ukrainian aircraft in Tehran, is a priority for the country.
- RIA Novosti
- © Andrey Shapran
“We will know the truth. To do this, we carried out a detailed and independent investigation in accordance with international law”, — is told in the message of office of the President.
The President of Ukraine expressed his condolences to the relatives of those killed in the crash.
“The morning of January 8, 2020 became a black page in the history of Ukraine and the whole world,” said Zelensky.
According to him, the investigation is to carry out the Commission established by the civil aviation Organization of Islamic Republic of Iran. It will join 45 of Ukrainian experts, including the State aviation service, the National Bureau of investigation of aviation incidents and incidents with civil aircraft and the representatives of the UIA.
Zelensky previously held a working consultation on issues related to the crash of the Boeing 737 “Ukraine International airlines” (UIA) in Tehran. The Ukrainian leader presented his report of the operational headquarters on the current situation around the crash.
According to official data, the plane crash killing all 176 people aboard: 167 passengers from Iran, Ukraine, Canada, Germany, Sweden and Afghanistan and nine crew members.