Zaitsev told his version of the fatal accident in Kharkov,Elena Zaitseva / Photo: UNIAN

The culprit of the accident claims that alcohol and drugs are not used, and the speed is not exceeded

12.03.18 2329100

The defendant in the case of the deadly crash in Kharkov, Elena Zaitseva in court, he told his version of the accident. About it writes the local edition NewsRoom.

She said that on 18 October in the evening in the company of their friends dined at the tavern “Chile”. In this case the suspect said that before the accident she did not consume any alcohol nor any illegal substances.

“Drugs I’ve never tried, because in connection with the injury I received 10 years ago, I’m wary of any drugs. Combining any drugs can be fatal for me. The day of the accident any drugs I wasn’t using. The day before the incident, October 17, before bed I took one tablet up Pentalgin”, – said Zaitsev.

She also said that just before the accident, she moved in Constitution square with dipped headlights and the “foglights” at a speed of about 80 km/h. According to her, the car, the other defendant – Gennady Dronova was the entrance to the subway, when she noticed him. To evaluate the speed of Volkswagen defendant could not.

Zaitsev claims that went on the yellow light and do not have time to brake when he began to move Touareg. According to her, she gripped the horn and at the last moment before the collision pushed the brake pedal, but it is not possible to avoid an accident.

“After Volkswagen rammed my car, the car tipped to one side, turned, I flew to the passenger seat. At this time I was not driving and him in this state made for the people,” – said the defendant.

Zaitsev told, I wasn’t trying to escape from the scene of the tragedy and immediately submitted their documents to the police.

  • See ALSO: Fatal accident in Kharkov: the defendant in the case refused to testify

“After the collision the car overturned, we could not get out of the car. People tried to turn and put the car on wheels to get to us, but the door would not open. Windshield to dislodge failed. Then the door is simply pulled out. When we went out, arrived the ambulance and police cars. The first thing I did – ran up to the police, gave the documents said that I was the driver of the Lexus,” – said Zaitsev.

The defendant also confirmed that during its two years of practice driving on it was composed of six Protocol, four of them – for illegal Parking, and information about that before the collision she had a race at the Constitution square, the girl denied.

Zaitseva also reiterated about the full admission of guilt and readiness to suffer any punishment which he shall choose her court. In addition, she announced that it plans to help the families of the victims after serving her prison term.

Recall, October 18, at nine o’clock in the evening on one of the Central streets of Kharkov there was a terrible accident – SUV Lexus RX 350, at the wheel which was 20-summer Elena Zaitseva, collided with the Volkswagen Touareg and rammed the crowd of people standing at the crosswalk.

As a result of incident five people were killed on the spot, another six were hospitalized. One of the victims later died in hospital.

The investigation has recognized that a party to a fatal accident in Kharkov, Elena Zaitseva was speeding and ran a red light.