Z avisa teaser to FLA, snyatogo a novel Ukrayinsky of pismenica
Uncategorized April 12, 2017
Siomki FLA took potasnik provulok, the courtyards of the private bars of the city.
For a story, head hero Petro got fenomenalno pam’yat. Cards spogad VIN easy Peresvet ODN pod od svogo zhittya to NSO. Sodom VIN sustra Gozo Dralu – ukraïnsku hudozhnitsy I pragne podletaya s it help our defenders swoggled newcity , time iz it podorozhali hour.
Roman vzhe Stig zabuvati Ukrayinsky citaca. “Namir” in 2006 year potrativ to claim atlky nycrama books for Versu force of the CCB percudani soma movami world.
The Director-postanovki flmo – Anna Smoli, the author of the script – Oksana Oliynyk, the operator potanovic Oleksiy Kuchma, artist-Zoryana potanovic Grebenjukova.
Starring – Roman veremeichik, A. Gann, Oleksandr Sokolov.