For many years science studied mainly by the study of short-term physiological reactions to physical load. But now scientists have gone further. A recent study was devoted to how long physical training (over 10 years) influence on the activity of human genes.
In the experiment, the scientists analyzed the accumulated changes in gene transcription in skeletal muscle from 40 volunteers. 18 of them are people who for many years developed the stamina, 7 strength, and 15 people were included in the control non-sports group.
RNA was sequenced from biopsies of skeletal muscle, and allowed to monitor the expression of over 20,000 genes. The results showed that long-term endurance training (running or Cycling) is much izmenenii about 1000 genes. In the genes of those who for a long time engaged in strength training, the changes were much more modest, at only 26.
In addition, the researchers compared the collected data with the results of previous studies of gene activity in diabetics of the 2nd type after physical training for 6 to 12 months. It turned out that even short workouts allow people with metabolic diseases to zoom in on the genetic profile of their skeletal muscles to the profile of healthy and trained athletes.
The results of a study published in the journal Cell Reports.
Source — Karolinska Institutet