The first Roman philologist, a specialist in ancient Russian literature, Evgeny Vodolazkin was published when the author was already over 40. The work immediately caused a furore. The same fate awaited the subsequent works of the writer. In particular the acclaimed “Laurel”. This novel became a literary event in 2013, got into short lists of a number of prestigious awards and all sorts of rankings in Russia and abroad. In an exclusive interview with RT on the sidelines of the VIII St. Petersburg international cultural forum Vodolazkin spoke about her path to writing and attitude to the Nobel prize and explained why, in his view, some people are not interested in reading.

  • RIA Novosti
  • © Alexander Vilf

— Last year the Nobel prize for literature were Olga Tokarchuk and Peter Handke… In your opinion, are the winners of this award do choose on the basis of merit and talents, or the process is dictated by something else?

— You know, basically the winners of the Nobel prize — quite decent people, good writers. Those who have received the Nobel prize, really have great services to literature. Of course, all people, including the jury, will have their own preferences.

What I liked this year: two awards received are two completely different people. The solution is double, this seems paradoxical, says that in this decision there is no politicization. Because Handke and Tokarchuk two completely opposite figure. If, for example, there were two conditional Tokarchuk, it could be regarded as a manifestation of some certain sympathies. And because people really are totally different, we can only thank you for this unexpected, but overall a brave and worthy decision.

— Not so long ago the Duma Committee on culture held a heated discussion on the topic of reading culture in our country. Mentioned that in Soviet times, people read a lot, now much less. In your opinion, is it really so? And if so, why?

— So, not so.

In what sense this is so. In the Soviet Union there was not much entertainment. And read, maybe more. In addition, I read a lot of nonsense among other things: any action movies or thrillers. Now Thriller person to look on the Internet and not bother with reading.

Reading is a time consuming process. Not everyone can cope with.

It’s easy for someone to buy a “shooter” for the computer instead of reading. People who have gone into computer “shooting” or thrillers on TV, are not a loss for literary culture. They never it was not. That is, the detachment did not notice the loss fighter. They have always dabbled in different things, just now found a more convenient form. They don’t need this book. Another thing is that now, unfortunately, (are lost. — RT) and the more serious readers (or potential readers).

If we talk about the children… Until recently, the indicators have decreased, but now went up. Read more both children and adults. And, most gratifying (I saw these figures, I don’t know how you can trust them, but I would really like it to be so), 30% of the reading audience are young people. It is encouraging that hasn’t happened.

— In your opinion, why do people read more? What is the reason?

— Because they ate killers and thrillers, have seen enough of all the stupidity that the Internet provides. You see, the popcorn is long, but it is infinitely. Want some of this steak — continuing this comparison. And the Internet and other things do not saturate.

Description of social life can be viewed a day or two… well, year. But you’re not going all my life to watch it, because the soul requires something higher.

And to this higher usually drawn through books. Because the book is perhaps the most serious conversation about the issues that concern us all: of life and death, the meaning of life, the meaning of death. It is also very important. You in books find answers to maybe the most serious questions.

— But it so happens that people using frivolous, purely entertaining literature come to serious.

— Or don’t come. There’s a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you’re right — it attracts to reading. And it’s better to read anything than not read anything. All the way. But can and not come after all, you can stay at this level!

I knew a few people, writers who to quickly spin up, wrote all the small stuff. Wrote-wrote, and then could not have anything to write. Set aside serious books until, when you spin, and when unwound — no longer worked.

Paustovsky in the “Time of great expectations” describes this Odessa poet, Yadov. He wrote verses (in my opinion, that he belongs to “Love not a potato, don’t throw out the window”). He once said Paustovsky with bitterness that he knew these stupid verses and remained kupletistom. That when I really wanted to write something serious, nothing worked. Art — it is cruel. See, it does not tolerate cheating, have reciprocal love is not warm, if you wrote some verses, satires…

When people justify shorting the fact that they spin up and then blossom into full growth, this rarely happens. They remain the same.


— Not going through it energy. Writing is not gladkovichi. You can write at all sloppy. It all depends on special energy, which drives the pen of the author.

  • RIA Novosti
  • © Igor Russak

There are authors who write well, and then just all came out. Is not it. The writer usually continues to write, but a shadow of what it was before. Because the energy released is enormous radiation that he had. Why is this happening — is unclear. It comes not at once, and can then leave.

The writer is not forever. This is not a lifetime rank of academician. You are a writer only at a certain point and to a certain point.

The one who wrote something on the needs of the day, simply then that power is not found — she passed through without touching it. He may even technically be written if you know how to connect words. But it won’t make any difference. Know that the great Thomas Mann was afraid to begin each novel? Said: “And suddenly will not work?” For me it made a big impression. It seemed to me that he could use technology to write. No, he knew he says it is very felt. Or energy goes, or it is not.

— When it is not — isn’t this the infamous writer’s block?

Yes. This is exactly the crisis is. And then, you know, even recipes no special. I don’t know… Some people go on a pilgrimage. Some of them are still doing something. But it is not connected directly with the process of writing.

— And with you it has happened?

— I later began to write, so I have cooling it is not. I started writing when I was about 40 years old. But just because I had nothing to say. I felt it and did not write at all.

I was quite satisfied with my work as a historian of literature. I did probably the best period of our literature of antiquity. From the XI to the XVII century. It’s not even literature — writing. It is quite differently arranged. Well, it was and remains my first love. Another thing is that now I have this love can’t devote enough time and effort.

— Do you always feel that I should become a writer?

Is a very good question. I truly felt. And Philology, in my opinion, there are people who love the word. They do not know how they will love him, and in what form — in the form of a scientific work or literary texts. But this latent desire to do something they have already. And most of all — to be a writer. Somewhere in the subconscious, and conscious.

But speaking at the faculties of Philology, always say that the Philology, linguistic science does not lead to writing. It may be, is even in the opposite direction. Smooth writing is not literature. Worst of all, when people here this gladkovichi its starts to be perceived as literature. This is a mistake. Ornamental prose is very nice, but it costs nothing, no nerve. No the stars are not reflected in it.

— At what point did you realize it was time? What was the trigger?

— You know, oddly enough, it was just the trigger, not the cause.

I then finished the book in Ancient Russia. It’s not an art book, it deals with textual criticism. Textual criticism is the establishment of a genealogy of texts. Almost mathematics. But the book was great. And I suddenly felt the proportions of the big things. I have mostly novels, stories little… To the next big thing to start, not feeling its proportions, it is impossible. Not feeling her harmony. There should have its own internal symmetry.

When I felt it, then began to write. In fact, I have long been ready, just didn’t know how to Express it.

I wrote a little bit in the course of life. But that was irrelevant. I once wrote a script, took it to the log, and I then took. I did not like it. I had some high demands, that I write. Still it is a pity that some of the lyrics I didn’t destroy. Because that is some very naive texts. Especially those in which I had some social illusion. Now I’m deprived of them — I think that everything inside a person.

And there is the aid society is to improve yourself. According to the word of St. Seraphim of Sarov: “Find peace within yourself and thousands around you will be saved.” You can’t save people, you can’t improve thousands and the whole world at once. The only thing you can improve is yourself. Improve yourself — not a withdrawal from society, and return to him.

— Returning to the subject of reading. How to awaken interest in reading in children?

Oh, it’s a sore subject. I have no recipes in this regard. I believe that you can’t make is the worst. Or punish reading: “received the Two — today will be an hour and a half to read.” So you can fight off the latest attraction to literature.

— As far as I know, you have a daughter…

Yes. I just brought the book, told her: “Read it, you might like it”. She was looking at. Not immediately, not always. But he says: “Yes, that’s good.” Or: “No, it’s not like.”

What I always recommend: do not read the retelling. You are not quite read. It has no relationship to the product. Better not read completely if there is no strength or time. It may be better to read the piece, but the writer, to feel his style and not the style retelling of the novel in five pages.