Without the right wyboru. Navso in Ukraine hochut zaboraviti of aborti
Uncategorized March 31, 2017
Ukraine salesas ldera middle countries for clcct aborts. The statistics of the Ministry of health, sorce of about 200 tees. ukrainok perejivayut watt. Wherein 60% to abort rablet for bazhannyam women, 40% – for medicnie pokusniki.
Causes aborts
Causes scho stawhat zhinok to take radikalno Miri, rsement. TSE Mauger Buti Vik – ABO zanadto Junius, ABO vzhe paheli, finansov problems, sman negarande, NavNet HIH parenting, psychology Nutrilite ABO watt in resultat sexual violence. Solo cogni the case potrebu ndial vivchennya.
In total, aborti Gaborone lachey 4 Cranach world iz 193. At 119 Cranach peredivannya watnot dopuskaetsya only at Razi zagrozi the life or health of Yu mater.
Vodnochas, 70 countries, to yakih pokey scho otnositsa , Ukraine, “are given the right GNC independent of the choice do I versity, Chi ready won podaruvaty life Navy Ladin”.
Novyy law about Zamorano abort
Days have Verhovni Red sarestoniemi superactive bill No. 6239 about Zamorano aborts in Ukraine. The author of the document what the people’s Deputy from BPP Dmytro Golubov.
The Deputy proponu have Civilnom codecs Ukraine’s ustanoviti scho sztuczne peredivannya watnot dozvolite lachey have okremih vipadkah that if terms not perevisy 22 Tien.
“Giving the right int versaute separatist question about holding abortion blesst countries not vrajavala right cholovika on Batista”, – they say text document.
Moreover, Dumka autorv, zakonoproekt got pokersite demografczno the situation in Ukraine.
As zgidno s law ukraincam dozvoleno are Robit of aborti for wlasnym mogannam, if terms watnot not previsual 12 tiinv. In okremih vipadkah sztuczne peredivannya watnot could spend at watnot from 12 to 22 tiinv.
Perak obstavin scho dozvola peredivannya watnot after 12 tiinv, ustanovlyuvalysya the legislation.
For the new law, abortion dozvolite “maksimalni Termini”, ale not bilshe dvoh dvadtsati tiinv.
New document propanols povnistyu zaboraviti Inc versaute, are Robit I abortion Chi hi.
Have zakonoproekt hochut secrete normi, scho Mauger Buti abortion required only if watt nes the straighter zagrozu the life of women. ABO yakscho have fruit navn medicin patologscho resumen iz Getty, ditini after narodzhennya. Dozvolite abortion takozh, yakscho of zacata, ditini steel in resultat smaltovane.
In order dwellers Inc has permitted transaction z peredivannya watnot, I dovedetsja pass komsu vapona experts.
MP argumento neophane law Tim, scho abortion pDRIVE principles powers, after Vinica demography problem, nasci abortion in the first cargo despreatly for zhinok – Vinica big imort Yak picnic so I psychic injuries Chi vtrata statnot neregulate kids have maibutnyogo.
Yak butt, zakonoproekt they say scho in the Danian hour swova practice peredacha two ViDi pokazani for a piece peredivannya watnot. Sered social pokazani velayt NavNet nvest, perebuvannya in mstah pozbavlennya freedom, rozhrania slubu pid hour watnot, NavNet in family, I ditini-nwald, and also riven material income per family member*.
“The prot in bagatoh evropeyskih Cranach, such as Germany, Spania, Switzerland, abortion for social pokazannaya not the permissions to show,” reads in Sakon.
Runanga at UEL
In order dwellers Oran on Propack country Bulo maximum Ob ktinim, let’s parmname socalo relief porodila from the “powers that sauguat of aborti for the social pokazannaya” z ukraïnskoyu.
Germany. The whole first year after polohu mother ottimo 67% from two ostannia zarobe pay. If Inca bazroba relief sklad 300 Euro on misyats.
Spana. Spanski porodila viplachuvati first relief from Rosmer 1500 Euro (42 tis.UAH). To sum Creasy Bula mayzhe two blow Razi ale in 2014 year Boule skorocheni VSI Socal programs include.
Switzerland. Maternity vidpustka in Svejcar Datca for 4 month, that you can take to ditini, narodzhennya ABO after. TSI 4 month diplacus average salary women (5000 Franks – 135 tis.UAH), Yak orremoval the push stroke ostanni putora rocky. Ocrm, je sche sovereign Patrika have wiggled relief in Rosmer 200 Franks (5,4 tis. UAH) monthly.
Finlandia. 10 months diplacus 70% from Sarata pay later. To 3 years takozh mozhna brother vdustry s wyplaty 500 euros on misyats. When wypisz s provovogo raw family otria all neophane for pershoho msata life Maluk (pampers, medikamente, clothing) free of charge.
Sweno , a mens viplati, for example Czech Republic, Poland, Hello there prebacen INSHI Socal programs include.
In Ukraine for narodzhennya, ditini viplachuvati, 41,3 about tis. UAH.: 10.3 tis. UAH. odrazu, rest – push stroke troh rokiv (861 UAH monthly).
TSE is not Persha sproba nardev zaboraviti of aborti. At 2013 year deputies s part “Freedom” proponowane zaboraviti peredivannya watnot TA sejati lcars for podn operas, but then the bill so I was not made to order daily.
Aborti in NSA Cranach
As Initsiativa pawno zaboravi abort small meeting place at Polls. In total, Polish of aborti for bazhannyam Gaborone vzhe hope in 20 years. Peredivannya watnot dozvolite lachey at the three vipadkah, so needless Yak hochut to do in Ukraine: zagraza the life maibutnie Mami, newicon hvoroba fruit I smaltovane.
Novi Polsky law MAV General zaboraviti of aborti. Netstore posnimali scho NATO laralyn is to perform veeranna HNO natsiï. For the document, for abortion Mali carat not watno lachey and lcara.
Polsky Parliament Uhnalev rsena about skasuvannya pawno zaboravi aborts after chislennykh acts protests.
In Span Ter legalzoom of aborti lachey at vipadkah smaltovane, serjoznih anomalies fetus I riziku nebezpeku for health women.
In Englandiï, Nd, Slang, Luxembourg, Finlyandiï, Japan of aborti dozvoljen tilki s medichnih socalo-economic pokaznikiv, and also have vipadkah smaltovane. The Great Britan for medychne abortion potribni of visnovki two lcars.
Nalci zaboravi abort
Sztuczne peredivannya watnot got Yak Psion so I ficn nalci for women.
However pdpls of aborti estimate has GRS zagrozi. Here it should be sadati about avise “abortion tourism”, if women viscauti are Robit operation in ti country, de Vaughn allowed.
Butt: there is the toll-Rland zaborina on the holding aborts without medichnih pokazani, that packi viscauti for DOPOMOGA to Holland TA INSHI in the country. Ale Taka vimochana journey — the prerogative zabezpeceny people. We prepustiti scho blesst ukrainok (especially UNIX) Razi zabroni to zvernutisya to more of deshevih I nebezpechnih sposobu.
Of course Coren problems aborts can sniti I in economony situac, and in scini out, I have wasalmost efective corporate policy, and in nebian batkiv seryozno say z dtmi about sex. Not be viluchiti first factor osobiste vddlo cholovika that women.
If blesst Ukrainian nardev patronaat the bill, he can enter into force. Hello there post other power: Chi guilty blesst diktovat umovi cogni konkretni Inc not given abstain : vibora?