Due to fire in abandoned mines, the Russian city of Sibay, Bashkortostan, covered with poisonous sulphur cloud. The Kremlin and the Central media ignore environmental catastrophe.

About CHP in Sibay “buzz” social reports “Диалог.UA” .

A few weeks ago near the Russian Sibai lit up abandoned mines, which are about 10 years mined copper ore and sulfur. To cope with the fire, the emergency situations Ministry. The result is a city with a population of over 60 thousand people were covered by a huge toxic cloud of sulphur.

“White light is not visible, we are being bullied”, complain to the local residents.

It is noteworthy that Moscow and advocacy the Central Russian media are ignoring the environmental disaster in Sibay. And local authorities are not very concerned. After a few weeks in the city’s toxic smog they are ordered to give students a gauze bandage, activated charcoal and milk. Their children will receive only 21 Jan.

Video from the poisoned Bashkiria has already appeared in the Network. Social media users shocked by the indifference of the Russian authorities towards its own citizens.

The city of Sibai in Bashkortostan was covered with toxic smog. Here burning sulfur career. Ecological disaster are struggling… distributing gauze masks, milk and activated charcoal.

But Rostv will not tell about it. This is not about Ukraine and “the chemical attack of Ukrainian armed forces in Donbass”https://t.co/c6eqX0RtQo pic.twitter.com/3dCrAZ88Us

— Vitauskas (@Vitauskas_A) January 19, 2019

“Gauze bandages – that dead a poultice! People would have been resettled. Apparently people do not consider. The authorities even in the city, or families in Thailand sent? Salvation is one thing. People to unite and… and procession with prayers and icons”, – told the Russians one of the commentators. Others have suggested that the Russians “healthier” in the Crimean Armyansk.

Some drew attention to the fact that the author of the video, complained of could, in the car hanging symbol of Russian aggression – St. George ribbon.

“And that koloradka of sulfur? Then we have gundyaeva to call!” suggested Network user.

We will remind, earlier “Диалог.UA” reported that Russia may cause the Earth to ecological catastrophe: experts have reported a serious threat.