Andriy Pavelko. Photo:
The initiative group of the football Federation of Odessa region Igor Reznik, the head of Celebi and others – sent an open letter to the President of the football Federation of Ukraine, people’s Deputy of Ukraine, Chairman of the budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andriy Pavelko.
The letter particularly says:
“Dear Andrey Vasilyevich!
We believe it is necessary to inform and hope to receive Your comments about held an extraordinary conference on the reorganization of the football Federation of Odessa region, where it was assumed the elections for the President, his deputies and members of the Executive Committee of the Federation. The conference was scheduled on 23 December 2017.
For the conference You were sent a group of experts: the first Vice-President of FFU Kostyuchenko, Vadim Konstantinovich, head of Pliev Alan Germanovich, Deputy head of the Committee for the development of football Titorenko Yury Blagov, Director of the legal Department Grishchenko Igor. Their arrival five days before the start of the conference gave us reason to believe their great desire to fulfill Your policy legal support and organizing assistance in holding the conference, and a complete surprise for us was their great diligence and implementation of the goal to disrupt and prevent planned conference, FOO.
Successfully registering in one of the most expensive hotels in our city that gave us the opportunity to see the increased material resources of the football Federation of Ukraine, the names of these gentlemen was invited for talks with dozens of delegates to future conferences and in the worst traditions of former times, using promises, blackmail, threats in the form of removal from work, non-issuance of licenses (even when it was about children), worsening of relations with the leadership of the organizations where they work, and many other insidious forms of influence were advised not to appear for a conference to prevent a quorum. Was the more sensible option – these same threats to ensure maximum turnout and vote for Your representatives recommended candidates. This option is not satisfied, and later it will become clear why.
These gentlemen were not confined to threats against individual delegates. Using phone individuals, they phoned adminpanel cities and districts of the region, where he was presented the delegates with the task of disrupting the meeting and recommendation of alternative turnout at the meeting the day before the conference, i.e. on December 22, 2017, which is planned in the restaurant of the hotel “Morskoy”. At the head of the Assembly, which managed with threats to expel several members of the Odessa clubs, was the first Vice President of FFU Kostyuchenko, Vadim Konstantinovich, i.e. the highest ranking Manager who was sent to organize the conference.
And last but not least, the conference on 23 December, 2017, for the sake of the organization which was sent to Your Deputy, he did not come. He was sure that the work that he and his entourage disrupting the conference was effective and there is no need to waste time.
Dear Andrey, in our opinion, the actions of Mr. Kostyuchenko, V. K. and Mr. A. G. Pliev not only unfairly discrediting football Federation of Ukraine and You as its President, but have far-reaching plans.
By the way, blackmail and threats to scare not everyone, there are still people able to defend their honor and dignity and to oppose their methods Kostyuchenko and Pliev. Of the 108 delegates (sent protocols) were present 63, and 58 registered delegates.
The number of those present are not allowed to start a conference and it was decided to postpone the conference to February 24, 2018 This could not please send us a support group, they have the opportunity to gather alternative conference and to implement the plan.
In this regard, we have a few questions: why is there a need to improve (if needed), and to eliminate the football Federation of Odessa region, which for more than 20 years successfully cooperates with the FF of Ukraine? What is the meaning of the creation of alternative federations with new names? Why You sent employees Federation, spending a lot of budget money to the football Federation, have directed their efforts not at the conference, and on its breakdown?
Dear Andrey Vasilyevich, knowing Your integrity and love of football, please understand the situation, establish the purpose of the plan, to give a fair assessment and to assist in holding a conference on 24 February 2018.
The Chairman of the Commission on the reorganization of FOO, Celebi P. H.