Infographics What and where exported to Ukraine in 2017

The main trading partner remains the European Union
Exports of goods from Ukraine in January-October 2017 rose by 20.9% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 35.2 billion dollars.
It is stated in the information materials published by the Ministry of economic development and trade.
In the structure of exports the largest share was occupied by products of agriculture and food industry (of $ 14.5 billion, or 41.3% of exports), iron and steel products ($8.1 billion, or 23%), machinery ($4 billion or 11.4%), mineral products ($3.3 billion, or 9.4%).
In the context of product structure increased the volume of deliveries abroad ores and iron concentrates (758,4 million dollars), sunflower oil (763,8 million), corn (509,5 million), hot-rolled (286,1 million dollars), rapeseed (401,8 million), ferroalloys (345,2 million dollars), insulated cables and wires (187,3 million dollars), sugar (121,4 million dollars), sightseeing cruise ships (115.6 million), cold-rolled steel (at 119.6 million).
- READ ALSO: Ukrainian economy revives, – the Ministry
The main trading partner of Ukraine in exports remains the European Union – its aggregate share amounted to 40.2%. The share of Russia amounted to 9.3%.
The volume of Ukrainian exports of goods to EU countries in January-October of 2017, compared to the same period in 2016 rose by $ 3.3 billion (30.3%) and amounted to USD 14.2 billion in terms of value this is the highest export growth among all partners of Ukraine.
The TOP 10 largest countries-partners of Ukraine, except the EU and Russia, is also Turkey – it accounts for 5.7% of total Ukrainian exports; India – 5.2%, China is 4.6%, Egypt 4.3%, Belarus – 2.6%, the USA – 1.9%, and Moldova – 1.6%, Iran – 1.4 percent.
We will remind, the Ministry said the number of Ukrainian companiesthat supply products to the EU market.