West-2017. Do the Russians want war…

Where, who, what, and most importantly — why Putin is going to take
According to the published in early July, to report to the us Senate Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense (DIA), the highest military-political leadership of Russia for the period of 2016-2017 years stubbornly continues to prepare for the so-called “global conflict”. Intelligence Pentagon, however, in his report does not specify this is done in the current Kremlin’s “political Bureau” in the framework of its global bluff or global insanity, but the facts and figures in this regard, the results are impressive.
Thus, the American scouts believe that in the period until 2020, the Kremlin plans to spend on modernization of its strategic nuclear forces at least $28 billion And the injection of money into Russia’s nuclear “triad” (land-based missiles, as silo-based and mobile nuclear missile submarines and strategic bombers carrying nuclear weapons), according to them, began at the turn of 2014-2015-second period. That is precisely the moment when “Imperial desires” of the Kremlin in their hybrid form of acquired the maximum amplitude. If anyone has forgotten, the military budget “Superbike” at that moment reached its historic high, Americans gave $52 billion in addition, the Kremlin has actively started to implement in your Toolbox of confrontation “Western contagion” the latest strategic and tactical methods of information war, sabotage, tactical and sometimes even strategic scale, the cybernetic perversions in information technology field and resuscitation in relation to their presence in near-earth space.
During the last five years Russia has accumulated about 2000 nuclear warheads non-strategic purpose and conducted a large-scale reconstruction of the complex secure underground shelters for its military and political leadership.
Particularly impressionable is all this Russian nuclear scabies may seem contagious and dangerous. Because from the outside it looks like stoned screpancy that’s cracked the nuclear club, or at least start it swinging.
But if you put aside emotion and oohs with aahs particularly susceptible “experts” in Kremlevskaya, nothing surprising in this. The question of the approaching Apocalypse soon will lose its relevance. In this respect, we must remember that from the point of view of the Kremlin, preparing for “nuclear ashes” is always a necessary and useful thing. Even if it’s a bluff and distortion for political-military game of cards in a global game of musical chairs. In the end, the logic of the Kremlin dreamers in this case, it is easy to understand — if not overtake, then at least get warm…
Moreover, let’s be realistic — in fact conflict on a global scale, Putin and his “friends” while not specifically can — weight category with their perceived main enemy they are clearly not the same. In the case of actual “dough” at the level of large-scale war to resist effectively, according to the chief Kremlin gunsmith friend Rogozin, Russia will be able to a couple of days at the most. But this does not mean that the immediate neighbors of these “sufferers” were not in danger, because fouling at the regional and subregional level, the Kremlin has not only can, but actively trying. And who, if not Ukraine, not to know…
“From the point of view of the Kremlin, preparing for “nuclear ash” — it is always necessary and useful. Even if it’s a bluff and distortion for political-military game of cards in the global knockout game”
In this regard we are more interested in what is happening, for example, in the area of Avdeevka or what is the situation on the adjacent side of the boundaries of the Kharkov and Sumy regions. But the answers to these questions, unfortunately, make you think. At the moment, occupied a third of the Ukrainian Donbass and in the Crimea, the Kremlin has directed more than 30 thousand of their military personnel. In addition, of course, for the Horde it is necessary to add two more so-called army corps deployed in the area of young people’s Bantustans and managed by staff of the 8th army of the southern military district of the armed forces, whose leadership is staffed by the most experienced commanders, including the experience of conducting real combat operations on the territory of Donbass. This is not less than 30 thousand soldiers.
According to the Ukrainian military command, that is enough to actually “keep in shape” and occasionally “stretch” multi-scale “exacerbations” APU throughout the South-Eastern flank of the country. Given that this group is at full contentment “px” (consuming up to 5 thousand tons of fuel and half a million different munitions per month), is armed with hundreds of tanks and pieces of artillery, it is quite possible to consider as “very Horny”…
However, the most interesting about the immediate and medium-term plans of Moscow against Kiev is the question sharp and the large increase of Russian military component in the border with Ukraine regions of Russia and neighboring Belarus. These activities are the main criterion by which to judge the long lasting plans of Putin.
Today there is a concentration of the group of Russian forces numbering more than 23 thousand servicemen (excluding Crimea, which formed a separate 22-th army corps and deployed the black sea fleet of 30 combat surface ships, six missile ships and five submarines, including one frigate and three CU PL are of type “Gauge” with a range of 1240 miles in non-nuclear warheads), and it continues to grow. Including three newly created and deployed an entire motorized rifle division — 3rd (district of Valuiki), 144 (near Smolensk) and the infamous 150-I (near Novocherkassk) plus at least five separate armored and mechanized infantry brigades (including the two regimental staff). Organizational structure and armament, which comes in these compounds, making them not “cover the border”. It was a shock of connection. In the Crimea the deranged Colonel of the KGB of the USSR decided poterebit your nuclear ego — it actively restores the storage and the storage of nuclear weapons (object “Theodosius-13”).
“I think in the operational plans of the Russian General staff probably has almost worked out a variant of the second series of the “West-2017”, with the motto: “forgot to return”
Everything else in Belarus has gone supposedly to train 5000 “atamatov” instead of “scheduled” 3000, that too cannot be overlooked. And the Russian generals as a “suddenly” needed in the current year already 4126 railway wagons for the transport of troops to supposedly “unremarkable” military exercises “West-2017” in Belarus. In normal years, for these purposes, they were a couple hundred cars (for comparison: in 2015 the Russians took 125 cars, and in 2016 is less than 50). Where, who, what, and most importantly – why Putin is going to take?
Given that, according to Ukrainian military intelligence, the Belarusian authorities have already started resettlement of the civilian population near military bases, landfills and areas of future deployment of Russian troops, but also engaged in preparatory activities to expand the hidden control points, bases of storage of arms and military equipment on the territory of Belarus, there is no guarantee that our already Northern borders somehow spontaneously after exercise does not “draw” a significant group of Russian troops numbering not less than 10 thousand people. I think in the operational plans of the Russian General staff probably already not only considered, but also “almost worked out” a “second series” of these exercises — under the motto “forgot to return”.
It is significant that the Kremlin with its inherent symbolism as it suggests some historical Parallels. So, the Russian-Belarusian exercises “West-2017” scheduled for September 17, the anniversary of the “liberation campaign of the red army in Western Ukraine and Belarus”, and focus close to our borders compounds have a rich history of participation in combat actions on the territory of Ukraine during the Second world…
Yes, today the Russian forces on our borders is still in the process of expanding and even openly creates a stationary infrastructure of their home (the barracks building, grounds, base, etc.). What really indicates an intention to “cover up”. Otherwise they hid in woods and copses, trying to achieve operational suddenness, not dug and built. However, there is no guarantee that all this is not a game to the public and at one point, these units will not be off the leash under the guise of planned exercises to support some of the next “people’s Republic” on the territory of Ukraine or Belarus. At least the experience of the Kremlin in this respect there…