An international team of scientists has completed the largest meta-analysis in recent years research and came to the conclusion that most of the popular mineral and vitamin supplements in the world won’t bring any health benefit. For the period from 2012 to 2017-th there were 179 full-scale clinical trials aimed to test the relationship between supplementation and the risk of cardiovascular disease. As well as all common deaths from “wear” of the body.

The main “accused” was vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium and multivitamins, as most often found in commercial drugs. According to one of the authors of the project, Dr. David Jenkins, in a large sample of different patients, they failed to detect positive effects from taking these substances on human health. Data even beyond the boundaries of statistical error – you will not help preventing stroke, if you will take supplements on a regular basis.

No benefit but also no harm from taking vitamin and mineral supplements are not. The doctors were surprised by this fact, because the real deficiency of these substances is harmful to health, and it is also a proven fact. It turned out that the truth lies not in the field of medicine, and the economy – the cost of the introduction of supplements ultimately does not pay off. More profitable to spend money just on food, traditionally considered to be healthy, to be satisfied, and to obtain the required vitamins and minerals.

The exception, and it is stressed by many authors, are clinical cases where extra doses of vitamins not prescribed by a doctor to prevent health problems, and to compensate for their lack. This applies to pregnancy, anomalies in development, disorders of hormonal levels, mutations, etc. Vitamin supplements as medicine is a blessing, but they are for the prevention of sores in General, a healthy person is a waste of money.
Source — St Michaels Hospital