Visit Duda in Kharkov has reduced tensions with Ukraine, Poland AP

Managed to unlock the specific channels of communication
The visit of the President of Poland Andrzej Duda in Kharkiv contributed to reducing tensions in Polish-Ukrainian relations. This was stated press Secretary of the President of Poland Krzysztof lapinsky broadcast Radio Warszawa, reports European truth.
“This visit was aimed at reducing tension, which in recent months has been particularly evident in the Polish-Ukrainian relations. In this respect, the visit has fulfilled its task,” said lapinsky.
Press Secretary Duda stressed that Ukraine is a neighbor of Poland, with whom you want to build a good relationship, but they should be based on historical truth.
“We can not agree to the falsification of history,” said lapinsky.
He added that the visit helped first of all to unlock certain channels of communication.
In response to the question, does the President of Poland some time frame to improve Polish-Ukrainian relations, his representative stated that “it is better about such time frame not to speak, because later, under pressure of time” can be a disappointment because of unrealistic expectations.
We will remind that relations between Kiev and Warsaw were strained over differences on historical issues, in particular on the Volyn tragedy. Poland condemns Ukraine for the glorification of the OUN-UPA and the prohibition on search and exhumation of the Polish victims of military conflicts.
The Institute of national remembrance of Ukraine initiated a moratorium on the exhumation of poles in Ukraine in response to the vandalism against Ukrainian monuments in Poland, in particular, in a cemetery in Gruzovikah Przemysl.
Director of the Ukrainian Institute of national memory Vladimir vyatrovich said that Ukraine will be able to allow exhumation of the Polish victims when the Polish side will provide his vision of legalization of the Ukrainian monuments in Poland.
In November during the meeting of the Advisory Committee of the presidents of Ukraine and Poland, the parties agreed to lift the moratorium on execution of search and exhumation work of the Polish graves, the introduction of which was one of the reasons for the deterioration of relations between the two countries.
In November, the Polish foreign Ministry officially confirmed the commencement of the action “black list” of Ukrainians, created from a conflict over historical issues.
November 18, Polish border guards are not allowed to Poland Secretary of the State interdepartmental Commission on Affairs of perpetuating of memory of participants of the ATO, war victims and political repressions Svyatoslav Sheremet. He said that the entry to Poland and Schengen area banned for a year.