TV presenter and Ambassador of FIFA world Cup waiting for the firstborn.
Victoria Lopyreva admitted that indeed pregnant and “infinitely happy.” However, about a new lover, Victoria prefers not to extend.
“He’s a private guy, far from show business, and I love it. I always wanted to close was not the one who can speak beautifully, but the one who does a lot. Favorite literally a speck of dust blows away from me, especially now when I’m waiting for the firstborn”, – quotes Lopyreva the website “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. Her beloved blonde was described as a man strong in spirit, smart and generous.
About the pregnancy she found out during the world Cup. “Instead of listening to yourself and fear of toxicity, I, as a soldier, doing his job as the Ambassador of FIFA. The planes were accustomed to the car, slept for four hours…” – said the model.
“I’m a believer and, as my favorite, I’d be happy and the boy and the girl. All the will of God,” – Mrs. Lopyreva. Victoria not yet decided where to give birth-in Russia or abroad. “I’m easy-going, quickly going on the road, so I’ll think about that later,” – said beauty.