Vladimir Tsemakh

Photo from the page of Vladimir Tzemach in social networks “Classmates”

Snow, August 2014

Photo from the page of Vladimir Tzemach in social networks “Classmates”

At the end of June, the Ukrainian security forces conducted the operation in the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND), which control the Pro-Russian armed groups. The officers of Ukrainian special services detained the former commander of air defense in the Snowy city of Vladimir Tzemach. It was in the Snow was spotted anti-aircraft missile complex “Buk”, from which, according to the findings of the international investigation team, was shot down Malaysian Boeing in the summer of 2014. Thus, the tzemach can be a key witness in the investigation of the disaster.

The fact of detention of Vladimir Tzemach confirmed his Kyiv lawyer and daughter living on the territory of the DNI, reports the BBC Russian service.

A former soldier of the armed forces of the self-proclaimed DNR tzemach was arrested in his apartment in a Snowy city on June 27 after that is not clear until the end of the way was taken across the contact line on the territory controlled by the Ukrainian army.

“June 28 Constitution Day of Ukraine, he was brought to Kyiv on June 29, the Shevchenkovsky district court of Kiev made the decision on its arrest for two months. The appeal date is not appointed yet”, – said the lawyer of the detainee Roman Gontarev. To discuss other details of the case, the defender has refused, having referred to secrecy of the investigation.

Daughter of Vladimir Tzemach Maria said that the first loss of the former military noticed his wife, who returned June 27 from work and found the house traces of blood and struggle. The next day his relatives tried to organize the search for the missing, and by the evening of 28 June he received a letter from a lawyer from Kiev, the next day the court will consider the issue of the arrest Tzemach.

The detainee was charged under part 1 article 258-3 of the Criminal code of Ukraine (“Creation of terrorist group or terrorist organization”). Camacho faces a sentence of fifteen years imprisonment. The court took the decision on its arrest for two months – until the end of August.

The operation to arrest the Tzemach Ukrainian security forces conducted deep in the rear of the line of contact. Snow is 20 km from the border with Russia and the closest point on the line of contact is approximately 45 km from the city.

In social networks began to appear about how Tzemach sent through the “front line”. So, the Donetsk political analyst Roman Manekin wrote, citing a former colleague of the missing that he was “a car was taken through one of the checkpoints (“Marinka”) on a carriage under the guise of paralyzed father with false documents”.

Maria tzemach considers that the detention of the father with the events of 2014, when he was “chief of defense” in the Snow. It is in the area of this city was recorded on video movement of “Buk” immediately before the liner fell to the ground.

Boeing will now try to hang on to it. But the chief of the defense he was presented with Oct 2014 just was the only such specialist, says daughter arrested. – When he was shot down “Boeing”, he was a key figure – an ordinary soldier, just stood at the checkpoint. He went out to fight, like all supporters of peace in our land.”

The daughter of a detainee suggests that Ukrainian security services had known that her father was the head of air defense in the Snow in 2014, but they didn’t know what he says tzemach, had nothing to do with them in July, when he was shot down flight MH17.

About the same in a letter to the scientist Mancino wrote and a friend of the detainee who served with him in the armed forces of the DNI: “In the 14th he commanded the defense of our city. And because of this, I suppose, he became the target of the RAID – most likely, to unwind the theme of the Malaysian “Boeing”.

On the Ukrainian site “Peacemaker”, where collected personal data on the combatants from the DNR, about a former warrior-“the Afghan” Vladimir ZImage says that he “took an active part in the hostilities in the summer and autumn of 2014, he was the head of the ZU-23, formed in the city of Snow” (ZU-23 Soviet anti-aircraft gun, used against infantry, aircraft and light armored vehicle).

As follows from the records in the military card of Vladimir Tzemach, October 23, 2014 “the Ministry of defence of DNR”, it was promoted to Colonel. In that time he has held the position of “chief of the air defense brigade.”

In March 2015, tzemach was dismissed and sent on the account in a military Commissariat of Donetsk. Two years later he was appointed “Deputy commander of the battalion of the military unit 08819”, but soon ahead of schedule transferred to the reserve on age. July 4, Vladimir Camacho turned 58 years old.

A source close to the command of the armed formations in the DPR, said that the operation to arrest the Tzemach held not the security Service of Ukraine (SBU), and the division of special operations forces (SSO) of the Armed forces of Ukraine.

“Dramatically decreased the professionalism activities of the DNI the MGB (Ministry of state security). This is due, primarily, to the fact that they – for the most part in the past, the SBU is back to its, so to speak, “pre-war work” – the protection racket business, – said the source. – Specifically for work in the Snow: the case of Zamaha not unique. In this city the agents of the SSO feels most at ease”.

Among the accused in the destruction of the liner Tzemach no

19 Jun Dutch investigators announced the names of Russians involved in the start anti-aircraft missiles that destroyed the airliner Boeing 777-200 company Malaysia Airlines. The plane carried out flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. He crashed on 17 July 2014 in Donetsk region of Ukraine. In the crash killed 298 people – citizens in almost two dozen States.

For investigation of accident set up a Joint investigation group (SSG). It included the representatives of Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine. Russia is not included into it. From the beginning suspect that the destruction of the ship are Russian army units.

In June 2017 countries included in the group, decided that the trial of the suspects in the crash will be held in the Dutch court and Dutch law.

The charges in the criminal case against three Russians (former head of the armed forces DND Igor Girkin, aka Strelkov, the commander of the reconnaissance Sergey Dubinsky Callsign “Gloomy” and his Deputy Oleg Pulatova), as well as the citizen of Ukraine Leonid Kharchenko.

The investigation also found the names of the soldiers of the 53rd anti-aircraft brigade of the armed forces who were in the Russian-Ukrainian border in mid-July 2014. Was even published photographs of these soldiers. Presumably, they catered to the Buk missile system, which shot down the airliner.

The Prosecutor of the Netherlands acknowledged that the court is likely to be part-time, and the chances of suspected to be in the dock void.

As part of the investigation, the question arose about what the role of the Russian leadership in the incident. Dutch investigators released several phone calls between Igor Girkin and Russian officials – presumably the head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov and the Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov.

In conversations it was about the help from Russia. In an interview with Aksyonov Girkin listed, you need anti-tank artillery, tanks and air defense are already ready by specialists, as their “time to cook we will not have, anymore.” He was told that help will come.

And Surkov, a week before the MH17 disaster assured the Prime Minister DND Alexander Beard that “spoke to older colleagues, older does not happen” on military assistance to the militia and hints at some “tipping action.”