Ukraine zaboravila Nosema bag 80% of the GDP of the country
July 31, 2017
photo: REUTERS
On July 31, 2017, 16:09
The words Prem courier-mnestra Ukraine, power vzhe zaboravila Nosema bag, equivalentto 80% of the GDP of the country, scho becoming priblizno $74.6 billion
About TSE podomys Prem courier-Ministr of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman in interv Yu vidanni the “Business capital”.
“Nashi towns the Borg naut at a time skladate 80% of GDP,” – saying VIN.
Groisman zaznaczyl scho TSE duzhe visokiy potasnik, especially in situat, if 5% of GDP Ukraine zmuchena witricity on nazionalny bespeco, 5% of GDP sklada defcit Pensijnogo Fund.
“Moreover, about 4% of GDP mi vitrano on obslugovuvannya towns national borgu. The fact we potrebna Bula restructuring, won Bula Dina rightly crock”, – he added.