Ukraine will switch to winter time on October 29

More than 110 countries around the world are switching to “summer” and “winter” time
The transition to “winter” time in 2017 Ukraine will be held on October 29.
The clock is regulated by the resolution of the Cabinet dated 13.05.96 № 509 about the order of calculation time on the territory of Ukraine.
“To enter on the territory of Ukraine the order of computation of time: second time zone (Kyiv time) with translation-clockwise every year on the last Sunday of March at 3:00 1 hour forward on the last Sunday of October at 4:00 1 hour ago”, – the document says.
“Summer” and “winter” time calculation procedure was first introduced in the UK in 1908 for the economy and a more rational distribution of electricity during the day.
In the USSR the transition to winter time and back regularly carried out since 1981.
Now more than 110 countries around the world are switching to “summer” and “winter” time.
In 2011 the Verkhovna Rada tried to abolish the transfer clock to winter time, but under public pressure, the decision was reversed.