According to Klimkin, Ukraine will insist on introduction of personal sanctions, as it was after the aggression in the Kerch Strait, and more hard – sectoral or economic constraints.
Klimkin said new sanctions / photo UNIAN

The Minister of foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin stated that Ukraine is preparing a new package of sanctions against Russia through the decree of the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on the simplified procedure of issuing Russian passports to residents of the occupied Donbass.

About this Klimkin said in a television broadcast, stated on the page of the foreign Ministry on Twitter.

“Now diplomats of Ukraine is actively working to create a new wave of political pressure on Russia, as well as preparing further Ukrainian sanctions against Russia sectoral and economic”, – said Klimkin.

See also”the Kremlin itself in the foot shot”: Klimkin predicted Russia the problem of passports for ORDO

According to Klimkin, Ukraine will insist on introduction of personal sanctions, as it was after the aggression in the Kerch Strait, and more hard – sectoral or economic constraints.

The Minister added that it can be “people and companies, which form the basis of the Kremlin regime”.

As reported the UNIAN, on April 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on simplified obtaining Russian passports to the residents of temporarily occupied Donbass. In the Kremlin explained that the decision was taken by President of the Russian Federation “in order to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen”, based on “universally recognized principles and norms of international law”.

In connection with this decision, President Petro Poroshenko urged the EU to toughen sanctions against Russia during the next review of the sanctions regime in June.