Ukraine does not want to close the airports of Kharkov, Dnepr and Zaporozhye

Europe insists
Ukraine this week will give the argument on the unreasonableness of the recommendations of the European aviation safety Agency (EASA) on the restriction of flights for European airlines over the Eastern part of Ukraine.
This was announced by Minister of infrastructure Volodymyr Omelian at the briefing, convey a number of media.
“I am grateful to colleagues from the European Union, who instead put us before the fact, with us in the negotiation process. I had a conversation about this with the European Commissioner for transport and mobility by Mrs. Bulc. We agreed that this week we will provide all the arguments of the Ukrainian side about the fact that we consider such a ballot untrue. We have a week waiting for a response from other agencies, and hope that as soon as possible receive and send the European side,” – said the Minister.
According to the Omelyan, European colleagues explained the recommendation to ban flights increased security requirements.
“We at the moment do not understand the reasons for the strengthening of security measures, because, according to our information, the deterioration does not occur. Our European partners explained this by the fact that they have increased security requirements and this has resulted in the emergence of this project newsletter. I hope that the arguments which will be provided by the Ukrainian side, will be sufficient to this document has not been released”, – he said.
Omeljan said: despite the fact that the decision of the EASA will be Advisory in nature, many companies will listen to it.
Recall that the EU wants to close the airspace over the three Ukrainian cities. We are talking about the international airport “Kharkiv”, “Dnipropetrovsk” and “Zaporozhye”.