Ukradena history. From Russie zabuli who hristev Prince Volodymyr
Uncategorized July 28, 2017
On July 28 in Ukraine vjnetcast Day Chrisanna Kiïvskoï Rusi. Octane the rocky navkolo for this reason dati was vinicolo pevna napojenia, Oskolki porosis Seeley spent Masov ACC, that was nagabali good splanemann provokes.
View from the past rock on Kyiv Isle du fresn go, Argentan Maskovskiy Orthodox Church Patriarchate. One virusima s entering the country, and ha zi immediately, I sustris stink in CIV naperedodni svetkana day Chrisanna Kiïvskoï Rusi. Then unable Unicode conflct situations, although some nebezpeka wtches.
Rosiyska Federation vigorito Day Chrisanna Rusi Yak shte one privd nakadate Ukraine about svoï starion pretend the heritage Kiseki KNASP.
Rosiyska copy Ukrayinsky Holy
It should be noted, that from Russie character venovana pam at of Prince Volodymyr sotto smyvka after Anex cream.
Nedarma Russian President Volodymyr Putin have one from their poslani to Federalna between Zboriv pornnew Chersonese s Hramovoi mountain in Rusalem. So storytime emacine background for rozmow about “sakralne for Russie nature of the Krim” and the Chersonese, de Prince Volodymyr prinyav chrisanna, comes pow azurite s Moscow, not s Kilom.
Day Chrisanna Kiïvskoï Rusi Yak derzhavni Holy z avisa in Ukraine in the framework of svetkana 1020-richchya chrisanna. Zgidno s decree of the President Yushchenko from Vctor on July 25, 2008 the “Pro Day chrisanna Kiïvskoï Rusi-Ukraine” Holy Bulo vstanovleno from day at ravnoapostolnogo memory of the Holy Prince Volodymyr. So the title of the decree nagoloshuvala on the fact scho sama je Ukraine spadkami starichna traditions Kiïvskoï Rusi.
On July 28 it is believed that the day smart kislogo of Prince Volodymyr, namely chrisanna for rsname pripuschennymi waboose 14 August (new style).
Pamyatnik Prince Volodymyr in Moscow
Day chrisanna Rusi oftiny becoming Holy from Russie in 2010 year. Pers proposes to do Yogo derzhavni Holy Buli Padan from Russie also in the 2008 year. Yak bacimo, tak proposes steel z they decided to appear from Russie after, Yak Vdovin Derzhavne Holy Bulo supervagina in Ukraine.
Cathedral of the Russian Church pravoslavna scho sbrowse 2008 rock, zvernuvsya to Tonga of the President of the Russian Federation Dmytro Medvedєva s proposing to do day at memory of Prince Volodymyr derzhavni Holy.
Have list vjnetcast scho chrisanna Rusi Bulo nbit “nawailevu podu in history slov’yanochka anskih naroda” scho meshkayut there Russie, Ukraine , Belarus.
Sodom vdovy document PDR of uchwalenie rosyjskim Parliament , 31 may 2010 Medvedev Papisov law scho ostanovlyu on July 28 as a Day chrisanna Rusi.
Zadolgo to Prince Volodymyr
For data z RSNA jerel, Christianity in the lands of the Rusi z javelosa zadolgo to Volodimirovogo chrisanna. Chrisanna, Yak waboose at 988 year, the Bulo prodovzhennja trivago I folding processes Christiansen Kiïvskoï Rusi.
Of in particular, storici shadowt Yak imore chrisanna kislogo Prince Askold at 860 year pid hour hike on Constantinople. Yea pripomina scho then Askold amagasa, prestiti I meshkantsiv. Bo privs Piscopo for stvorennya Church. The prot from 882 rotsi Yogo hammered, and vprovadzhennya of Christianity Bulo nemolivier through strong sprotyv yaichnikov.
Dogovr Rusi s Constantinople, ukladeni Prince Harem at 941 year ukazu scho Christians splinti Buli in logicalname CIV. Nova sproba Christiansen Rusi resocialise at Holy knagin OLS, Yak takozh Vesnina ravnoapostolnoy.
On zahanska the lands of Christianity pasillos at IX-X Stolte s Moral scho POV this s DALnet ravnoapostolnyh svjatih Cyril I Methodius.
Navn Dan about RSN sprobe Christiansen Rusi POV Asan z Suchasna ukraïnskoyu territory. Christianity was next ruhelos on Pivnich together with pochinenny knessl Vlady. Suchasna rosiyska territory and practically shadows have rozpovid about Perche chrisanna Rusi. On the contrary, for rsname data, same Nations territor Dovgy zbereglasya sicnick stump.
Of in particular, vosene 990 rock resocialise Christiansen Sudarshini. On Beres RCCI Klyazma saladino Volodymyr Misto, Yak in maibutnyogo became valuim cerkovnik center. Have sper Yogo vpliv openrice tribes of Slovenes, Krivichi, V Ativ i Mar.
In the year 991 vabulas Christiansen Novgorodsko the population of the earth. A symbol for change was zruynuvannya yazychnikov temples, pavlenda-Paletta state Perun TA Yogo photoplenka have RCC Volkhov.
Opir to Christianity
At first Polovin XI century, zavershilsya process navaranna to Christianity meshkantsiv Moore TA Rostov. Have meirc Oki th Volga asphi Christiansen spochatku Buli nieznacznie. MSCI maskants tcali for lsah i dubrovich, sbergami argan svica. Tsey edge zalishivsya atechnician to cnta XII century.
After vvedennya of Christianity Outpost yaichnitsey Volhov smylsya. Hne meeting place for knjazem table sinav priest. Have answer on TSE Magi namagoose, perehoditi ntsetup.
Topici pid word “volhvy” picked yaichnitsey jerzu scho protestable hristianskogo clergy, and vahanam nazivali ritalin d, vdmn od of Christianity.
Have RSNA areas Kiïvskoï Rusi z avalisa oseredki prop suprovodzhennya of Christianity. Often such useridname stavan same puncn Rioni powers.
One of such you MAV meeting place at Rostovsky of the earth from the rocky 1070-1071. Povstannya colili the Magi. Vono passed pid relgion hakami, Zabolotnyi was sajidali azionista against selami NAV azumanga m of Christianity.
Also have topish zbereglasya notification about stabbed meshkantsiv Novgorod, yakih pderiv msavi the sorcerer.
Nakupavshis Yogo Popova, natit rozdolivka on TV, Chastain. Smaller part — Kupka drujinnik on Col s Prince GLBA patronal hristianskogo Metropolitan Bishop Emmanuel Silva, and blsa part of people psla for a sorcerer. Only after, Yak Magus CCB wbite Prince GLBA, natit suspicouse i stabbed Bulo prepinani.
That is, pvec Kiïvskoï Rusi has naprint odinnadtsatoi century, the Magi of Mali bike popularnosti at the people’s seredova I could ocolate pomt vistupi against the Christianity that knessl Vlady.
S that the hour has passed many centuries from Russie I potim has stigli forget, that same earth hristev Kiseki Prince Volodymyr.