U.S. attorney General and Minister of justice, William Barr said Thursday at a press conference in Washington that the Russian intelligence services passed on to Wikileaks “stolen documents” for publishing to influence the presidential elections in 2016

U. S. Department of Justice

However, in his report, he stressed that no member of the election headquarters of the incumbent President of the USA of Donald trump or associated with the presidential campaign of the face had no effect on GRU contacts with Wikileaks, or the publication of stolen documents

Akishin Vyacheslav / Moscow-Live.ru

U.S. attorney General and Minister of justice, William Barr said Thursday at a press conference in Washington that the Russian intelligence services passed on to Wikileaks “stolen documents” for publishing to influence the presidential elections in 2016.

However, in his report, he stressed that no member of the election headquarters of the incumbent President of the USA of Donald trump or associated with the presidential campaign of the face had no effect on contacts with the GRU or Wikileaks to publish the stolen documents, reports “Interfax”.

According to Barra, the investigation of spectracolor Robert Mueller testified that no one at the headquarters trump is not coordinated with the Russian Federation aimed at intervention in the elections of 2016. The attorney General added that this conclusion applies to both hacker attacks, for which, according to the United States, the Russian Federation and other attempts to influence elections.

William Barr said that no citizen of the United States helped Russia in an attempt to interfere in the American presidential election in 2016. However, he reiterated that the report clearly shows that such attempts were indeed.

The attorney General noted that trump did not ask the Ministry of justice on introduction of amendments to the report of spectracolor USA. “The President reiterated that in the interests of transparency and full disclosure (report. – Approx. “Interfax”) to U.S. citizens, he will not use his powers in relation to the report of spectacular,” said Barr.

In the USA the President has the right to restrict the publication of some personal information related to head of state.

Barr noted that the White house has already requested an edited version of the report, reports TASS. “Earlier this week, the personal lawyer of the President of trump asked to see the final version of the edited report before it is published, the Prosecutor General said. – This request is in accordance with the provisions of the Law on ethics in government, which allow the persons mentioned in the report of spectracolor, to get acquainted with the report prior to its publication. Personal lawyers were not allowed to make any changes to the text of the report, and they didn’t ask about it.”

Barr stressed that the use of this privilege – “a long practice of the Executive power” in the United States.

The report has lots of information, which can propagate the privilege of trump, due to the fact that “the White house voluntarily cooperated in the investigation of spectacular,” said Barr. In particular, the White house provided access to the documents of the electoral headquarters of the trump, and has written several assistants of high rank to testify.

“As recognized by spectracolor, there is compelling evidence that the President was very disappointed and angry, believing that the investigation is undermining his presidency,” said Barr.

Later Thursday, the U.S. justice Department will transmit to Congress and publish on its website the edited report Muller. Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov in this regard, said that the publication of the full edited version of the report is not an expected theme in the Kremlin, on the agenda in Russia there are many other important things.

In March 2019, a team of spectacular Robert Mueller has completed work on a report about Russian intervention in elections in 2016 in the U.S. and handed him over to Barr. The letter to Congress, announced that investigators found no evidence of collusion between the Russian Federation and the election headquarters trump.

Initially, the full Mueller report was not published that did not suit many members of the Democratic party. In particular, the speaker of the lower house of Congress, Nancy Pelosi has called a four-page summary Barra on the report of spectracolor “condescending” and “arrogant,” adding that Democrats have to do to make conclusions on the report of Muller.

Meanwhile, Donald trump on Thursday called himself a victim of the largest political setting and charged with the crimes of the Democratic party of the United States.
“The greatest political hoax of all time! The crimes committed by the corrupt, dirty cops and the national Committee of the democratic party/Democrats, wrote the President of the United States in the microblog Twitter. – Harassment of the President.”

The US President has repeatedly assured that the Democrats knew that he was innocent, but still insisted that Mueller checked, it was not before the elections of 2016 collusion between the election headquarters of the trump and the Russian Federation.

Democrats, for their part, demanded to cancel the conference with the participation of U.S. attorney General William Barr and his Deputy Kind Rosenstein, who previously oversaw the Mueller investigation. Political opponents trump believe that with his speech on Thursday, the Barrel can affect the impression of the public from the not yet published the report of Muller.

And one of the media directly asked Barr if he considers it inappropriate to analyze the report of Muller and assess it before the citizens get the opportunity to read it. Barr replied in the negative and immediately afterwards left the room.

REPORTER: Is it an impropriety for you to come out and sort of spin the report before people are able to read it?


*walks away* pic.twitter.com/nXH4Tk3Fyd

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) 18 APR 2019

Political opponents trump believe that Barr is trying to whitewash the President. The attorney General was even called “agent of the White house” and “a political appointee of the President.” I agree with this assessment and commentators of the press.

“I think the attorney General William Barr really works as a lawyer for the President, not the head of the national law enforcement system. And it has trevorite all of us,” writes Vox.

The appointment of müller’s trump perceived as the “end of presidency”

From the published report by Robert Mueller, it follows that the appointment of spectacular for the investigation of RF interference in the American elections of 2016, has caused an extremely sharp and panic reaction from the President of the United States Donald trump. This is stated in condensed, not containing confidential information version of the Mueller report, posted on the website of the U.S. Department of justice.

“In may 2017, the report said, when President trump learned from Jeff and Roman sessions, who at that time the post of Minister of justice and attorney General that the Deputy attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed spectaculorum Robert Mueller, the tramp sank back in the chair and said, “Oh, my God, that’s awful. This is the end of my presidency. I’m done”.

The President stated further in the report, returned to the question of the consequences of this appointment and said, “Everyone tells me that if you designate one of these spectaculorum, it destroys the presidency. It lasts years and years, and I can’t do anything about it. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me”.

The report also stated that the Russian side has proposed ahead of presidential elections in 2016 in the United States assistance to the staff of Donald trump, as well as the organization of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Contacts with Russia include business contacts, offers of help during the campaign, proposals to arrange a personal meeting between the candidate, trump and Putin, suggestions about the meetings between the representatives of the campaign and representatives of the Russian government and political line, aimed at the normalization of relations between the US and Russia”, – the document says.

Immediately after the election on 8 November 2016, these contacts continued. Officials of the Russian government and prominent Russian businessmen began trying to make contacts inside a future administration. “These have been encouraged at the highest levels in the Russian government, the report says Muller. – The Russian Embassy has made contact a few hours after the election to congratulate the elected President and to arrange a telephone conversation with President [Vladimir] Putin. Several Russian businessmen then continued such efforts”.