U.S. Ambassador to Panama, has resigned from trump

John feely said it was impossible to serve the country under the administration of current President
U.S. Ambassador to Panama John feeley filed a petition of resignation. He stated that he could not serve the country under the administration of President Donald trump. About it writes DW.
“In my oath I promised to faithfully serve the President and his administration, without a policy, even if you do not agree with certain decisions of the government. I was taught that if it is impossible to do better with the honor to be free,” said Fili.
The state Department confirmed the resignation of the diplomat “for personal reasons”. His service will end on 9 March 2018.
The statement of the Ambassador comes amid a new scandal trump, who in a closed meeting allegedly called the countries of Africa and the Caribbean, where the United States migrants, “dirty holes”. The trump denies the report but the veracity of this information confirmed by numerous sources, among them democratic Senator dick Durbin, who attended the meeting.