Even after more than four years after the start of the war in the Donbass in Ukraine different points of view on Russia’s role in this bloody conflict.
As stated in the story, posted by “Public television of Donbass”, according to a study by the Kiev international Institute of sociology, the majority of the population (63%) believe that Russia is the aggressor. 22% of the opposite opinion, another 15% this question was not determined, reports “Диалог.UA”.
Among those who responded positively, many people who are or were direct witnesses of the events of 2014 that took place in the East of Ukraine, or heard from them from the words of relatives and friends whom they trust.
So, one of the residents of Slavyansk told the authors of the plot that, for him, authoritative source of information is his godfather, who lived in the time of the events in the Luhansk region, 25 kilometers from the Russian border.
“She saw from Russia two days were on our territory, “KAMAZ” with the military. Qom I trust more than many other sources,” said the man.
Among the interviewed journalists, residents of Slavyansk were those for whom what is happening for the fifth year in the Donbas is a “civil war”, were people consciously which greatly differs from this topic.
Notably, the highest percentage of people who believe that a large-scale invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine is a real danger, in the West and centre of the country (respectively 80 and 85 %), and on the East and South, which are the boundary line with the occupied Russian territories, this opinion is shared by, respectively, 66% and 67% of the respondents.
Recall, a resident of Donetsk told how the mercenaries and fighters of the Russian Federation seized the strategically important town of Mospino.
In addition, ex-prisoner of terrorists in the Donbas shared how he was tortured by Russian occupants.