Donald Trump
Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian / Flickr
The white house
Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian / Flickr
Donald trump in case of failure at the presidential elections in USA in November, recognizes his defeat and find a use, reports TASS.
The current occupant of the White house criticized the actions of former Vice President Joseph Biden, who has secured a sufficient number of votes of the delegates of the forthcoming Congress of the Democratic party for nomination as a candidate for the presidential election in November. “Of course, if I don’t win, I won’t win. Well, I’m moving on and doing other things”, – said the American leader on Friday in an interview with Fox News channel.
Trump, in an interview with Fox News channel, also expressed confidence that he will be able to unite the country covered by the debate on racism and police brutality.
“I definitely think so and hope so,” said trump, responding to a question about whether he is a leader who is able to “unite” US. “I think what we have achieved amazing considering what we had,” said the US President.
The ability to unite the nation
“The relationship we have amazing,” said trump, noting that “the spirit that is in this country, especially given what happened as a bolt from the blue we hit a plague from China , then we recovered and got to me the riots, which would not be mandatory, if governors and mayors have taken more stringent measures,” – said trump. He said: “You can call it a protest, can – riot.”
– Trump said that the media and the public misinterpreted the phrase from his Twitter
Trump also asked to comment on the statement of the former Vice President of the United States that in case of defeat of the incumbent in the elections and refusing to recognize the results of the military on their own initiative, withdraw it from the White house, pending the completion of the referral process of the new administration. “But Joe still not there, everybody knows about it,” stated trump.
He rebuked his most likely opponent in the election of cowardice, saying that he “arranges shelter in the basement, wherever, and not selected out.” Trump believes that “the country will be very sad” if the former Vice President will be elected head of state.
A member of the house of representatives Cedric Richmond, a Democrat from Louisiana, who is a close ally of Biden also admitted the possibility of military intervention to ensure a peaceful transfer of power, if trump refuses to admit defeat in the elections.
Biden, recall, has already secured a sufficient number of votes of the delegates to nominate a candidate for the presidential election in November. National Convention of the US Democratic party, which Biden needs to call the candidate for the highest office in the country, was postponed due to the pandemic coronavirus on 17-20 August. It will be held in Milwaukee (Wisconsin).
Trump also has already received a sufficient number of votes of the delegates to the party Congress for the nomination of the Republican candidate. 59th U.S. presidential election is scheduled for November 3.
The police promised reform
The day before trump said that no progress can be made, blaming racism millions of Americans. speaking at a round table with representatives of the religious community, law enforcement agencies and small businesses in Dallas, Texas, the President noted that his administration will issue a decree on the introduction of national standards for the use of force by the police.
In an interview on Friday, the US President also called the shame of the act of the police officers involved in the arrest of a black George Floyd, who later died. Trump urged not to judge all police officers on the tragedy in Minneapolis. “Those eight minutes were not just terrible they were a disgrace. People are starting to wonder, is all the police are like. (…) It is not” – said the head of state. In his opinion, most police officers are good people.
On Thursday, trump first proposed his own vision of policy in respect of police and race relations since the start of nationwide protests sparked by the deaths of African-American George Floyd. The death of Floyd has triggered a wave of protests that contributed to the strengthening of the movement “black Lives matter” (Black Lives Matter). However, in various cities in the U.S. and Europe, the protests were accompanied by riots, violence and vandalism.
President trump said that finalizing the Executive decree on the reform of the police: “We are working to create an order that will encourage police across the country to meet the latest professional standards on the use of force, including tactics of de-escalation. We will encourage programs that allow social workers to unite with certain law enforcement officials to work together.”
The trump categorically rejected the option of disbanding the police, since this will immerse the country into anarchy.
Offers trump administration differ from the bill on police reform developed by the Democrats. The vote on this bill in the House of representatives should pass the 4th of July. The Republican majority in the Senate, in turn, is working on its own version of the bill.
The President stressed that his administration is going to contribute to the economic development of areas inhabited by racial minorities, to solve problems in healthcare and provide people with more opportunities to select schools.