In the South-East of Africa, twice survived the impacts of tropical cyclone “IDI”, continues the catastrophic floods

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In the South-East of Africa, twice survived the impacts of tropical cyclone “IDI”, continues the catastrophic floods. The total number of victims from the disaster could exceed 2 million people. Destroyed thousands of homes, destroyed crops. Confirmed the death of 84 people in Mozambique, and 98 in Zimbabwe, and 56 in Malawi, reports Stormnews.

The most serious situation in Mozambique. The vast territory of the provinces of Sofala and Manica provinces are flooded and isolated, there is no electricity and communications. According to the President of the country Felipe Nyusi, while aware of the 84 victims, but, probably, their number will exceed 1000 in the districts with a population of 1.1 million people the flow of water washed away entire villages.

People are on the trees and rooftops. Currently lives about 100 thousand residents are in danger, informs portal @Verdade.

In the city of Beira (second largest population in Mozambique with the agglomeration of more than 530 thousand people) storm and floods have caused massive destruction – suffered 90% of its territory. There’s no electricity, communication and water supply. A similar pattern in other coastal cities in the East of the country.

With authorities in #Mozambique warning that the death toll may climb beyond 1,000, new drone footage reveals the extent of damage caused by #CycloneIdai. The footage -taken on 18 March shows how the storm flattened the informal settlement of Praia Nova on the edge of #Beira.

— IFRC Intl. Federation of #RedCross #RedCrescent (@ifrc) 18 Mar 2019

This is the shocking video done by our team in #Perth, #Mozambique. Almost everything is destroyed by #CycloneIdai. @ifrc released its Emergency Fund as an initial response effort for about 7,500 people. More resources may be needed soon.

— Francesco Rocca (@Francescorocca) 18 Mar 2019

Just in: drone photo shows damage caused by #CycloneIdai in #Perth, #Mozambique.

Atualidade: foto drone mostra o dano causado por Cyclone #em idai nature Beira, #Moçambique.

? IFRC @RCClimate

— IFRC Intl. Federation of #RedCross #RedCrescent (@ifrc) 18 Mar 2019

The scale of damage caused by #CycloneIdai in the city of #Perth, #Mozambique is massive and horrifying. This is the initial assessment of an IFRC team that reached the devasted city yesterday. It seems that 90% of the area is damaged or destroyed.
? ➡ it’s amazing

— IFRC Intl. Federation of #RedCross #RedCrescent (@ifrc) 18 Mar 2019

In Zimbabwe, heavy rains caused catastrophic floods, debris flows and landslides. According to the evening of March 18, killing 98 people, 217 were missing. 102 civilians were injured, according to broadcasting Corporation ZBC.

In Malawi, according to the government of the country on March 13, floods claimed the lives of 56 people, 3 more were missing. Injured 577 people. From the disaster suffered 923 thousand.