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Nearly a billion dollars — $926,65 million — that’s how much the port industry of Ukraine will draw in the next few years. The lion’s share of this amount — the public-private partnership for which the ports of ASD and the Ministry of infrastructure still needs to find investors.

The seaport has become “tug” of the Ukrainian economy. Through them on the world market agricultural products are shipped, which has become the main item of Ukrainian exports. The grain is within 30% in the structure of handling, and its share will grow. In grain terminals put domestic farmers and stevedores, the world’s agricultural giants and carriers.

In 2018 seaports increased cargo handling nearly 3 million tonnes compared to the previous year. Leadership holds the ICC “South”, for second and third place fight of the Nikolaev and Odessa seaport.


10 place

$22.7 million

Investor: CMA CGM

Object of investment: Odessa sea port

In December 2018, the French CMA CGM, LLC “Brooklyn-Kiev Port”, the Administration of seaports of Ukraine (ASD) and the state enterprise “Odessa sea trade port” signed a Memorandum on cooperation. Companies CMA CGM — the third in the global container shipping market, its fleet has about 500 vessels. French partners are ready to invest about 20 million euros in the reconstruction of berths Bread Harbor of Odessa seaport, with the aim of increasing the volume of cargo handling. The company “Brooklyn-Kiev Port” in the market since 2006, the operator of the container terminal in Khlebnaya harbour, and CMA CGM — one of the founders of “Brooklyn”. In General, however, French carriers working the ports in 160 countries.


9th place

$27 million

Investor: public-private partnership (group of investors)

Object of investment: the Berdyansk seaport

At the end of October of 2018 presented a new development plan of Berdyansk MP for the next twenty years. In future investment projects will be invested by both public and private funds. It is expected that by 2038 port rekonstruiruet four berth and will “grow” two more. The document stated the reconstruction project of a grain terminal of PJSC “Berdyansk plant of lifting-transport equipment” by $22 million (slightly more than $2 million already invested). As expected, investments ($5.5 million) in the grain terminal of the company “New island”. The existing capacity of this facility rekonstruiruet and finish building the new one.


8th place

$30 million

Investor: OOO “Company Eurovestech”

The project: the grain terminal in the port of “Olviya”

Throughout 2018, “the Company Eurovestech” build a grain terminal in the seaport “Olvia” (Nikolaev), together with an investment group and BT Invest. The owners of Raymonds Tumenas and Igor Bezzub — former shareholders of Sandora. Among the famous projects of BT Invest also a supermarket chain, Novus, Kiev, shopping Mall Retroville and others. The first batch of grain passed through the terminal “Eurovestech” at the end of last year the shipment was sent to Lebanon. By the end of this year the company want to pass 1 million tons of grain. After completion of all phases of construction, the annual handling capacity will increase to 4 million tons. Total investment in the project will amount to about $30 million on 24 January 2019 the new terminal has already made in the Register of seaports of Ukraine.


7th place

$30 million

Investor: COFCO

Object of investment: the Nikolaev sea port

In November 2018 Viktor Dovgan, the Deputy Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine on European integration, held a series of meetings in Beijing, China. After it became known that the Chinese state Corporation COFCO is willing to continue financing their infrastructure projects in Nikolaevsk seaport. The annual volume of transshipment of all port terminals Corporation are estimated at 55 million tonnes (for comparison, in 2018, 13 seaports of Ukraine handled 40.3 million tons of grain). Moreover, the representatives of COFCO included “Nikolaev” in its strategic project “One belt and one road”, calling this port is one of the most important points of transshipment of agricultural goods in Eastern Europe. In particular, the Chinese partners plan to invest in the pier “Nikolaev” $30 million we will Remind that in Nikolaev MP for three years running grain COFCO Agri terminal (transshipment capacity of 2.5 million tons per year, $75 million investment).


6 place

$34.2 million

Investor: public-private partnership (group of investors)

Object of investment: Mariupol sea commercial port

In the summer of 2018 SE “Mariupol MTP” presented the project of construction of a complex for transshipment of grain. Director of the plant Alexander Oleinik said that investing in the project is approximately $19.3 million (about 500 million). Already at that time the SE was established 10 silos at 5.7 million tons, mounted odnoportsionnuyu machine with capacity of 1 million tonnes per hour, provided the opportunity of automotive and rail unloading. This is the first phase of the project. On the second turn, in which investments Olejnik was estimated at $14.9 million (387 million UAH), the state is seeking a private investor. It’s all the same infrastructure for train unloading, additional silos, odnopolnye machine and dryer and conveyor quay gallery. After completion of the project capacity of the complex will be 2 million tons per year.


5th place

$52 million

Investor: TIS

Object of investment: TIS-Container terminal

About $52 million has been invested in rail infrastructure TIS-Container terminal in MP. The container terminal is running three regular container trains (in Vinnitsa, Ternopil and Kharkiv) in addition to the flights to Kiev and Dnieper. Purchased cranes-cranes, complete W/d station “Chemical”. The term modernization TIS-Container terminal — two years. Today it is the deep-sea terminal in Ukraine.


4 place

$66 million

Investor: company “kernel”

Object of investment: the export terminal at the black sea port

Agroholding “kernel” to build export terminal in the black sea MP $66 million In construction will be invested as own resources of the company and borrowed funds of the European financial institutions. In December last year, the agricultural holding has raised $250 million from the European investment Bank. The funds will be invested in various infrastructure projects “Kernel”, including the “Black sea”. Overall, by 2022 the company will spend on the development of its business by about $540 million “kernel” provides 8% of the world production of sunflower oil and exports it to 60 countries. The stock Kernel listed on the Warsaw stock exchange since 2007, and the largest shares — 39,93% — owned by Andrey Verevskiy.


3rd place

$150 million

Investor: OOO “M. V. cargo”

The project: the Grain terminal in MP “South”

At the end of last year, the international Finance Corporation (IFC) has completed financing of the largest investment project in the port industry of Ukraine-2018. Talking about the grain terminal “mV cargo” in the seaport “southern”. Its capacity will reach 5 million tons/year, the total storage capacity of about 290 thousand t the Owner of “M. V. cargo” — Ukrainian stevedoring company TIS (the owners — Andrew and Yegor Stavnitser Grebennikov) Port Neptune through a Netherlands Holding B. V. the Construction is carried out in conjunction with the American food giant Cargill. Also they are building a new terminal to receive vessels of the class Post-Panamax with a deadweight over 100 thousand tons. The total investment of the company is $150 million Roughly half that amount – $74 million – over several years has provided IFC and BRR.


2nd place

$193,5 million

Investor: ASD

Object of investment: MP “South”

In early February of 2018 SE “Administration of sea ports of Ukraine” presented the five-year development plan of the largest Ukrainian seaport “southern”. From this it follows that the PORT is willing to invest in port infrastructure. In particular, we are talking about the construction of a new station, “the West Bank”. It will have 11 tracks receiving and departure and 11 ways of a car yard and be located between the stations “Industrial” and “24.” It is also planned to invest in construction of station tracks (69,5 km), Railways (62.5 km), the pier and the already built station “Chemical”, “Coastal” and “black sea”. The total investment of ASD in these infrastructure projects will be $193,5 million


1 place

$672,7 million

Investor: public-private partnership (group of investors)

Object of investment: MP Olvia and Kherson sea port

In December 2018, Minister of economic development and trade of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv, Minister of infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan, representatives of EBRD and international Finance Corporation presented the project of concession of MP Olvia and Kherson sea port. The project concession “Olbia” for 35 years and 17.3 billion UAH of investments. Implementation of the project in the Kherson MP for 30 years and “pull” at UAH 1.4 billion. That is, two concession projects in total should be about $672 million investment. It is expected that by these means, by 2030 the transshipment in “Olbia” and “Kherson” will grow by 130%. Among potential investors — Louis Dreyfus Company, POSCO, COFCO, Bunge, Nectar Group, CEYGROUP, “NIBULON” and other companies. The draft law of Ukraine “About concessions” (No. 8125 from 15.03.2018), which will give legal grounds for the transfer of the Ukrainian ports to private investors, at the time of publication adopted in the first reading.