Tillerson reads tweets trump in printed form

The Secretary of state not registered in the social network
U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that takes note of the publication of President Donald trump on Twitter during the planning of foreign policy, however, due to the absence of the account in this social network asks subordinates to print messages for the White house on paper.
The head of the state Department said during a discussion with one of their predecessors, Condoleezza rice at Stanford University, reports ЛІГА.net with reference to The Hill.
“The problem is that I don’t even have Twitter account to follow what he (tramp – ed.) writes. So my staff usually prints his tweets and pass them to me,” said Tillerson.
The Secretary of state praised the President’s behavior in social networks and noted that the idea of printing his tweets are not so bad, because nobody knows what trump will write in his Twitter then.
Tillerson also said that, “probably, lie in the grave without making an account in social networks”.
Previously Facebook, Twitter and Google published reports on Russian influence on the United States.