KIEV. July 30. UNN. There was a video Dating Ukrainian political prisoner Alexander Kolchenko with my mom. It is reported by UNN with reference to “Crim.Realities”.
So, according to Larissa Kolchenko, she for the first time in 9 months was able to see my son. Together they will spend three days in a special room for meetings.
We will note, Alexander Kolchenko allowed a three-day date with my mom.
Recall, the Ukrainian Commissioner for human rights, Lyudmila Denisova said that the international Committee of the red cross does not respond to her calls to visit the Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia. Head of the ICRC delegation in Ukraine Alan eshleman notes that the ICRC has no authority regarding visits to political prisoners, as they spetsializiruyutsya on international conflict, and Russia does not recognize the conflict with Ukraine.
As reported UNN, Russia still has not provided a response to the proposal to transfer her 36-held Russians in Ukraine.