Winners of the national program “person of the year 2019” in the nomination “the Mayor” (small towns).

Andrey abramchenko

The mayor of Izmail (Odessa region)
Izmail mayor Andrey abramchenko was first elected to the community of Ishmael to this responsible post in October 2010, and at the next election in five years with a score of 94.5 per cent of his candidacy was supported by an unprecedented number of voters.

Already the first steps identified key priorities of the mayor who fully meet the expectations of society. Among the priorities was the quality of municipal services, major repairs of the housing Fund, urban roads and sidewalks, improving the landscaping and security, creating adequate conditions in public institutions of education, health and social sector, reconstruction of engineering infrastructure, the renovation of the bus fleet of urban transport, the development of outdoor lighting networks, and attracting investments in the city’s economy, development of small and medium-sized businesses.

Thanks to the efforts of Andrey Abramchenko and strategic approach was able to consistently resolve key issues and lay a solid Foundation, which began with the updating and modernizing of the city.

Among the completed in Izmail projects include: construction of a multipurpose sports Palace with a swimming pool and other facilities, which is in its final stage, new wonderful promenade on the Danube at the Diorama, historical and tourist attractions, rebuilt and pedestrian travel part of the avenues and main streets, miles of the overhaul of urban roads, the reconstructed kindergarten “Sail” and two more being built now – “Firefly” and “willow” full coverage of the city in accordance with European standards, sustainable utilities, a new cozy parks and gardens, capital repairs of schools and kindergartens, social housing for orphans, renovated the office of city hospitals, development of sports sphere – reconstruction of the Central stadium, recently transferred to the municipal property, the structure of modern sports and playgrounds in all neighborhoods of the city, a large-scale renovation of adjacent areas, active participation of the city in European grants.

Far from it inexhaustible list of the work done, you can add the implementation of a citywide surveillance system, the construction of a number of traffic lights, a complete upgrade of the fleet on the bus routes and use of motion control systems, creation of tourist routes and the reconstruction of the second Danube promenade, which welcomes foreign cruise ships, tens of thousands of planted trees in the city, streamlining the work of the Executive bodies of local self-government and of services providing appropriate services to citizens.

Ishmael today is a modern European city, which in recent years the population increases. Ishmael develops in all areas of their lives, receives investment in development and modernization of its infrastructure. Ishmael is an example of social and political stability in the South of Ukraine. And it vividly illustrates the fruitful activity of Andriy Abramchenko, who together with the community to make Ishmael a beautiful, comfortable and successful city.

Andrei BELOUSOV, Kamenskaya mayor (Dnepropetrovskaya region).

Awarded the badge of Ministry of regional development, construction and housing and communal services of Ukraine “badge of honor”, a breastplate “For the development of the region”, by the President of Ukraine – commemorative medal “25 years of independence of Ukraine”, diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine “For merits before the Ukrainian people”, insignia of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine “Medal for assistance to the Armed forces of Ukraine”.

The most significant event in Your career in 2019: Major events of 2019 in my professional activities, associated of course with the development of Kamensky. In 2019 our city has become even better:
we have discovered the two great squares on Liberty Ave and Ave G. Glagoleva;
– opened apartment house for settlers on the Avenue of the Constitution, 32;
– the city received 20 new buses;
– opened a modern kindergarten in the village Romanovo and Uptown (No. 43);
– opened the reconstructed Palace, the tennis Palace, a new stadium, Nadia on the left Bank, and built 3 mini soccer fields on the basis of the 1st Lyceum and 24 and 19 schools;
also in Lyceum №15 was restored with new modern swimming pool;
– continued construction of the sports complex for Eurobasket;
– have installed many playgrounds and sports grounds;
– implemented a program of “swim School” for grades 1-5;
– overhauled hospital: neurological Department of the hospital №7, neurology and pathology maternity hospital №9, the Center of rehabilitation of children in out-patient clinic №3, also opened a rehabilitation Centre for combatants of hospital №5.

Your “Formula for success”: My “Formula for success”: a clear focus on the goal + the plan to achieve the objectives + activity goal + prayer = success.

Who did You dream to become in childhood? In childhood, like many boys, I dreamed of becoming an astronaut, but then something went wrong and I became mayor.

Do You have a dream that is not yet fulfilled? If Yes, what kind? There is, but it’s a secret.

Today to be successful is… to achieve goals and to have the opportunity to do good deeds.

Your favourite saying? “Leadership is the art of encouraging people to do what you need, and even because they want to do it” Dwight D. Eisenhower, American statesman and military leader.

What are you most proud of in your city? People who live in it.

Who, in your opinion, is a model mayor? (examples from around the world) it is Difficult to answer this question, because the mayors, the mayors of all cities of the world operate in different conditions and circumstances.

The main problem of all Ukrainian cities, which needs to be solved first? Think of the main problems – two: energy efficiency and waste management.

If happiness is not in money, then what? Of course not in money, happiness and health of their families and loved ones.

Keep the phrase “Give me a fulcrum and I… will make Ukraine a successful country!”.

What trait is Your biggest flaw? I can not objectively answer this question, but colleagues say that my fault is that I am a perfectionist.

Do You have a favorite book? One of my favorite books – “the Prince” N. Machiavelli.

Who of historical figures You could be friends with if I were his contemporary? Happy b became friends with Saint Nicholas.

What wonder of the world You would like to move to your hometown? That it symbolized? In our city would have looked great Hanging gardens of Babylon as a symbol of beauty and grandeur, which can create people.

If You have discovered a new planet, how would You call it? The name of his hometown – “MONAY”.

Imagine that You came to visit the President of America asking you to show Ukraine. Where would You invite him to the tour? I would show him our town.

What do You consider your greatest achievement in life, and what is the biggest mistake? The main achievements are my family and activities I am doing. And the errors I do not consider or evaluate the value, I don’t regret mistakes, it is experience which makes us wiser.

What is the lesson for You is the best rest? Detour hometown.

Volodymyr KOVALENKO, Mayor of Nova Kakhovka (Kherson region).

Candidate of economic Sciences, the “order of merit of 3rd degree”.
The three main events of 2019 according to Your version:
– Budget development of the city in 2019 amounted to 48 million UAH;
– 57-th separate mechanized infantry brigade named Mishka tamanokoshi Gordienko located in Nova Kakhovka;
– OTG – created Novokahovska United territorial community – 11 communities with a population of 74000 citizens.

Life principles that help You to achieve this goal: “Never to claim the truth, look for it along with the community, supporters and activists of”; “Remember that the term of the mayor is shorter than life. Think about how you’re going to look people in the eye after his term”.

Who did You dream to become in childhood? A surgeon or an officer of the Soviet army.

Do You have a dream that is not yet fulfilled? If Yes, what kind? There is a reality 7 days a week, 12-13 hours a day, seven days a week, with virtually no full-time leave, in a constant search for new, that time is not ahead of you, to serve the community.

Today to be successful is… to speak the same language with different categories of the population. To convey to their minds the ways of solving problematic issues.

Your favourite saying? “Think whatever you do, and if something is wrong, then God will punish you” – so I was told by my mother as a child.

What are you most proud of in your city? Most proud of the relationships with people, residents of my city in different categories at any time. 15 years ago the city switched to an Autonomous individual heating in apartment buildings and so we decided today’s problem many cities as the population of zaviacic tariffs for heating can not pay for them.

Who, in your opinion, is a model mayor? (examples from around the world) the Former mayor of Nikolaev Vladimir Chaika. The former mayor of Zaporozhye Yevgeny Kartashov.

The main problem of all Ukrainian cities, which needs to be solved first? Inconsistency of legislation regulating the activities of local self-government bodies on the subject of mutual exclusion. Local governments add new powers that are not accompanied by financial resources. Not to hold elections of deputies to local councils of political parties.

If happiness is not in money, then what? Money as a consequence of their own realization. Happiness that there is a possibility to realize themselves.

Keep the phrase “Give me a fulcrum and I… reconcile the whole of Ukraine”.

Whom in this life You jealous? Anyone. Everyone has his own cross.

What trait is Your biggest flaw? Kindness beyond common sense towards those people who don’t deserve it.

Do You have a favorite book? Like historical novels. Love poems, as part of joining myself at peak moments. Favorite book V. Piskula Favorite.

Who of historical figures You could be friends with if I were his contemporary? With Grigory Potemkin and Bohdan Khmelnytsky.
What a miracle Svitavy would like to transfer to your ragnagard? That it symbolized? The hanging gardens of Babylon. In our arid, hot region, they would have symbolized grace and harmony.

If You have discovered a new planet, how would You call it? People.

Imagine that You came to visit the President of America asking you to show Ukraine. Where would You invite him to the tour? Invited on a tour of the Kherson region where I live and work in the Cherkasy oblast, where I was born, there was forged the history of Ukraine.

What do You consider your greatest achievement in life, and what is the biggest mistake? The achievement is that I live on this earth and have the opportunity to work and help people in solving their life’s problems. The biggest mistake is that in his childhood left music school, and wanted to play the piano on the big ball.

What is the lesson for You is the best rest? Movement is sports – football, volleyball and also tennis table and a large. Love to sing – solo, duet and accompanied by the ensemble.

Sergei RADCHIK, Hmelnitskiy city mayor (Vinnytsia region).

“Honoured worker of social sphere”, “excellence in education of Ukraine”.

Three main events of 2019 according to Your version:
The city received the status of a “community candidate” initiative of the United Nations (UNICEF), “community, friendly to children and youth”;
– The conclusion of the investment agreement (48 mlngrn) for the restoration of the monument of architecture of national value of Palace of count Ksido;
The city was awarded “the Most transparent budget” international project of PROMIS.

Life principles that help You achieve your goal, Your “formula for success” motto: One of my truths – the belief in the best qualities of people, colleagues, partners, friends, opponents. Formula of success: “to Plan for the future, to work on result”. Motto: “Strive and achieve”.

Who did You dream to become in childhood? Dreams with time, every change. First, as all boys my age dreamed of becoming a pilot. Saw the movie “the Three Musketeers” – there’s another dream. Started doing sports again new characters. In General, yabyl an ordinary child of his time. After all, it is rare that the child clearly knows what he wants. One thing is for sure: dream to become the head of the hometown I never had.

Do You have a dream that is not yet fulfilled? If Yes, what? Of course, where do without the dreams … Want the city became a resort of the European level with a modern infrastructure, development prospects and high standard of living.

Mention the word SUCCESS, what content You put in it? Success for me is happiness catching moments of those cases which manage to reach a life to live here and now, it work with the taste of victory over yourself …

Your favorite aphorism: Only hto not vtamlst, hour. A mi – IV, we need popsat. (Lina Kostenko).

What are You most proud of in the city? Every city is special. Our Khmilnyk is a resort Mecca, radon capital of Ukraine. Here everyone rushes for the most expensive – health. I am proud that the city is such a unique resort with rich history (since 1362), friendly and hospitable people.

Who, in Your opinion, is a model mayor? Modern head of the city is a visionary leader, a Manager, a Manager, a professional, strategist, tactician, diplomat and, of course, a Man trusted by the society.

The main problem of Ukrainian cities, which need to be addressed first: the Development of critical infrastructure.

If happiness is not in money, then what? Happiness in money is an illusion. Happiness is when healthy children, parents, grandchildren, relatives and dear people, when peace and quiet in my soul, in the house, in the city, the village, in our country …

Give me a fulcrum and I … together with a team of like-minded people open to chmielnik new horizons.

Who in your life do You envy? To envy is to destroy yourself, your life, your world. I do not envy.

What trait is Your biggest flaw? Fanatical devotion to work, and sometimes emotions are overwhelming, but I try NOT to give in.

Do You have a favorite book? “Cities for people” (Ian L).

Who of historical figures You could be friends with if I were his contemporary? It would be interesting to talk with Bohdan Khmelnytsky. In our city a monument to this outstanding Hetman of Ukraine.There is evidence that at one time he traveled to chmielnik.

What wonder of the world You would like to move to your city? That it symbolized? If everything is in our hands, the imagination and creation of caring hands skillfully perfected a unique natural gift of city healing radon waters, creating the “Radioactive Paradise” – a Wellness oasis global level, which is symbolized by the harmony of man and nature.

If You discovered a planet what would You call it? Planet “New Ukraine”.

Imagine that You came to visit the President of America asking you to show Ukraine. Where would You invite him to the tour? Of course, in Khmelnik, and it would be for us not only honorable, but also useful because we would then become the focus of attention of the world media. The city on the first pages of leading publications. And for this investment, the development of the city! This is great !!!

What do You consider your greatest achievement in life, and what is the biggest mistake? Achievement is the trust that the banks in your heart. Mistake … Live like all ordinary people, and therefore wrong.

What is the lesson for You is the best rest? I have already said that fanatically devoted to work. So rest for a while, which to give in full. Today it is a city Park. Together with fellow countrymen rejoice in seeing how he revives and comes to life. Love to stand in the evening near the water, looking at the fountains, swans, wild ducks, pheasants … It not only inspires reflection, but also inspires, adds creativity.