Lawyer Donald trump Rudolph Giuliani first announced his visit to Kiev, and then almost immediately cancelled it. According to the lawyer, he planned to meet with Zelensky, to persuade elected President of Ukraine not to stop a number of resonant cases, one of which concerns a former Vice-President of the USA Joe Biden and his son hunter. Giuliani noted that the visit did not take place due to the fact that the environment Zelensky many “enemies of the trump.” Experts believe that the lawyer of the White house was not going to come to Kiev. According to analysts, so trump made it clear to the Democrats that in Ukraine he can find dirt on Biden, who has already announced his candidacy for the US presidential election of 2020.

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  • © Mike Segar

Lawyer trump Rudolph Giuliani on may 9 in an interview with The New York Times said that plans to come to Kiev for a meeting with Vladimir Zelensky. Former new York mayor said that he intends to ask the new President of Ukraine not to succumb to pressure and continue to investigate high-profile cases that touch US.

Involved in one of these investigations, recalled Giuliani, is a businessman hunter Biden the son of Joe Biden, who during the reign of Barack Obama was a Vice President and special envoy of the USA to Ukraine.

But then Giuliani has suddenly canceled a trip to Kiev. “I heard tonight from two very reliable sources assure me that the President (the President-elect of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky. — RT) surrounded by people who are enemies of the President (trump), and — at least in one case — corruption,” — he explained the reason for his decision was the TV channel Fox News.


“Lack of political experience”: in the United States published a report about the elected Ukraine President Zelensky

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About the criminal case that Giuliani, in his words, planned to discuss with Zelensky, in early April told the American edition of the Hill. The journalists reported that the Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine suspected hunter Biden illegally obtaining large sums from the company, Burisma Holdings, engaged in gas production in the country.

In the period from spring 2014 to fall 2015 Biden Jr. allegedly transferred monthly of $166 thousand, according to The Hill. The publication reminds that at the same time Joe Biden was the special representative of the United States in Ukraine.

Moreover, according to journalists, the Vice-President of the USA directly intervened in the course of the investigation, having achieved 29 March 2016 the dismissal of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokina. The retired Ukrainian official said in a written interview that was going to cause on interrogation of hunter Biden, but did not, as he was removed from office.

It should be noted that Joe Biden doesn’t hide his involvement in the dismissal, Shokin. In January 2018, speaking at the Council on foreign relations in Washington, he said it openly. According to Biden, in March 2016, he put the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk ultimatum: either Shokin resigns, or the U.S. will give Kiev credit guarantees for $1 billion.

“At the end of their press conference, I told them, “No, I will not get you a billion dollars.” In response I heard: “you Have no such authority. You’re not the President”. I said, “And you call him.” He added: “in six hours I have to leave. If the Prosecutor will not be dismissed, the money you will not see”. And… he was fired,” — said Biden.

The requirement to deprive of the post Shokin, he explained that the attorney General alleged was involved in corruption schemes, and without his resignation, it was impossible to ensure the target use of the American loan.

“The Ukrainian factor”

Failed visit Giuliani is evidence that trump intends to use the “Ukrainian factor” in American domestic politics, experts say.

Director of the Institute of policy analysis and management Ruslan Bortnik in an interview with RT reminded that Joe Biden, which was going to talk to a lawyer Zelensky American leader, will run for U.S. President from the Democratic party in the elections of 2020.


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“The Board of spectracolor Robert Mueller have nothing against trump is not found, impeachment, which is so like the Democrats, most likely, will not. One of the few “trophies” prosecutors trump was the former head of his election headquarters by Paul Manafort, who planted mainly for the concealment of lobbying activities in the interests of Ukraine under former President Viktor Yanukovych. Now trump makes it clear that Kiev may be compromising not only on its people but on the Democrats,” says Bortnik.

The political scientist believes that Giuliani actually was not going to come to Ukraine.

“The US President has decided to play to the audience. Initially, his lawyer very loudly announced trip to Kiev, and then just as loudly cancel it. If Giuliani really needed to talk about some criminal case or something to find out about the investigation, he would have acted quietly,” says Bortnik.

The expert of the International Institute of humanitarian and political studies Vladimir Bruter also sure that a cancelled trip Giuliani — part of the information campaign trump.

“Visits by American politicians or their representatives to Kiev is premature. Zelensky is not a President. Not clear even the date of his inauguration. Now is a time when it is clear that Poroshenko has already left, but it is unclear when Zelensky will come to power,” he said in an interview with RT.

According to Bruter, visits of the American officials, during which will discuss really important issues will begin only after the inauguration of the elected President of Ukraine.

  • Former Vice-President of the USA Joe Biden in Ukraine
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  • © Valentyn Ogirenko

The expert did not rule out that trump just wanted to “scare Democrats” use of the Ukrainian dirt, but to resort to this method of pressure will not.

“First, Biden and so many problems as a candidate. Second, the use of the Ukrainian texture is quite dangerous, because, in General, contradicts the line the administration trump in Kiev”, — explained Bruter.

With the filing of the White house public opinion the US is trying to convince us that Washington supports Kiev to deter the expansionist plans of Moscow, the expert said.

“Legend of the fact that Ukraine is an independent state, which is in the throes of struggling with Russia, will not hold water, when it turns out that Biden extort the money out. While there is not much difference that Biden and the man he was doing business in the Ukraine, now out of power, because it is possible that it can lead itself, and other U.S. officials from other Ukrainian leadership,” says Bruter.

Riddles of the team Zelensky

The most intriguing point in the statements by Giuliani about his failed visit to Kiev for some “enemies of the trump and the USA”, which the lawyer found surrounded by Zelensky, experts say.

On air Fox News the lawyer called only one name — Verkhovna Rada Deputy Serhiy Leshchenko. This Ukrainian politician during election campaign of 2016, announced the “black accounts” of the Party of regions on the basis of which he was convicted by Paul Manafort, said Giuliani. The lawyer said that the documents were falsified.

In response Leshchenko on his Facebook said that trump and his administration were victims of fraud by the incumbent Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko. Leshchenko assured that the documents relating to the “black accounting”, were real, and Lutsenko allegedly “drag Ukraine into someone else’s war, making us a bargaining chip on the table between trump and Biden, and he did it with one goal — to preserve their position of public Prosecutor” — wrote the Deputy.

  • The flags of Ukraine and USA
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  • © Valentyn Ogirenko

According to Vladimir Bruter speaking about the “enemies of America” surrounded by Zelensky, Giuliani could have had in mind not only Leshchenko and other Ukrainian politicians who supported the American opponents of the trump.

“In command of the new Ukrainian leader, there are people who believe that Ukraine must hold independent of the American political line. For example, it is worth mentioning the former Finance Minister Alexander danyluk. He believes that economic policy Ukraine needs to be self-sufficient. It’s possible that Giuliani meant it. However, in this case, he is mistaken: danyluk, of course, is not anti-American and certainly not Pro-Russian,” — said the expert.

But errors in the evaluation team Zelensky is inevitable because it yet, in fact, no, says Bruter.

“About the new Ukrainian President can’t even say that he is the man Igor Kolomoisky. Of course, if it were not for this tycoon, Zelensky would never have become a politician and did not come to power. But now Kolomoisky is not included in his inner circle. Team Zelensky — this is a set of people with different views. Who is there whose friend or enemy today is, I think, the mystery and the newly elected Ukrainian President”, — summed up Vladimir Bruter.