Olexander Mangul (photos LIGA.net)

National Agency on prevention of corruption headed by Olexander Mangul. NACP is the body that should check the cleanliness of the Declaration of top officials. What you need to know about Mangul – briefly in the material LIGA.net.

WHERE TO START. On March 26 the head of the NACP Natalia Korchak said that goes: “With great pleasure will shift the “burden of fame” on other people’s shoulders,” said Korczak. Previously, she was blamed for that under her leadership, NACP late launched a registry of electronic declarations, did not want to run automatic system inspections “in the interest of higher officials.” The former head of the financial control Department NACP Anna Salamatina published the correspondence with an employee of the presidential Administration Alexei Gorshenkova, where he allegedly gave her instructions on how the Declaration should be checked. Salamatin says that this person is fully supervised activities of NACP. Korczak denied the accusations and sued for libel Salamatin. The case is investigated by the NAB. Korczak said that, for two years in the NACP office has sent 29 reasonable suspicion against officials – eight in NABOO, 21 – other law enforcement agencies. Korczak remains in NACP ordinary member.

HOW IT DEVELOPED. The new head of the NACP became one of the members of the Agency, the former head of the Melitopol district state administration Olexander Mangul. It was supported unanimously. The media considered him the most likely candidate is Korczak, as his relationship with the President.

Mangul was elected to the national Agency in January last year, along with former Prosecutor and lawyer Stanislav Patuka, who became his Deputy. In an interview with local edition of Melitopol he said, both were amazed at the ability of the future President “to conduct negotiations professionally”. There Mangul praised Vladimir Groisman for decentralization, and a role model believes Leonid Kuchma.

Furthermore, it is known that the head of the NACP led in the Zaporozhye region regional cell of party Solidarity. In 2015, the year of Mangul was the chance to become the Deputy head of Zaporizhzhya regional state administration, but he only got the position of head of the Melitopol district administration. He left after being elected member of the NACP in January of this year.

The Mangul in savings in the Bank is 22 thousand euros from his family – $47 thousand In 2016, he declared 240 thousand UAH as a gift. He has three apartments and two are for family members.

“I will prove that NACP is an independent anti-corruption body. I hope to confirm your expectations and 100 days will show results,” said Mangul after the election. He also said that he personally does not sign with the President, but in parallel worked with him in Minekonomiki in 2011-2012, when it was headed by Poroshenko.

Newly elected head of the NACP recognizes the problems in the Agency’s work. According to him, the UN development program needs to help with a special module, which will introduce automatic verification and check of 1.5 million returns even for 2016. In may, is expected to pilot testing. He also expects that Rada will consider the bill 7276, which should fill gaps in legislation “would help to debug the activities of the Agency”.

The representative of public organization the Center for combating corruption Anastasia Krasnoselskaya said that the Mangul can not be trusted. “You can wait just sophisticated excuses for why work is being done,” she says. In her opinion, all the members of the NACP are elected by the competition Commission, which appoints only convenient for people power. A member of the anti-corruption group RPR Alexander Semenov believes that “the newly elected head of NACP – fully controlled by the character for AP”. “Nothing will change,” he said LIGA.net.

Tomorrow NACP shall meet in extraordinary session to consider the question of how to declare public activists of their income is them to do ordered the Verkhovna Rada special amendments to the law on combating corruption.

HELP. NACP – Central Executive authority that ensures the technical part of automated verification of declarations of officials. Its power to detect non-compliance with lifestyle with the revenue officials. Also NACP should adopt anti-corruption strategy. From 1 April in the electronic database will be about 2.5 million returns, of which only 150 were tested by the Agency.

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