All-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) conducted a survey which found the attitude of the Russian population to bitcoin.

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As reported on the website of the center, 56% of Russians say they know about bitcoin, while only 9% of this number, versed in the details of the cryptocurrency. Another 18% of respondents said that only heard the term.

It is noted that significantly higher level of awareness among representatives of the youngest age groups (67% among 18-24 year olds), people with higher education (71%), residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg (75%), male (66%), active Internet users (69%).

Along with this, the study showed that 65% of Russians who have heard about bitcoin, consider investing money in them unprofitable investment. Only 2% bought this cryptocurrency.

The initiative Russian opinion “polls-Sputnik” held on 4 April 2019. Survey method — telephone interviews in a stratified random sample of dibasic stationary and mobile number capacity of 1.6 thousand respondents.

Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor of MGIMO Valentin Katasonov in conversation with told about the features of cryptocurrency.