The scammer who “sold” as Minister, I wrote the application for membership in the “Masonic Lodge” – Natspolitsiya
KIEV. July 3. UNN. Con from Volhynia, who “sold” the position of Minister for 200 thousand dollars, wrote the application for membership in the group of “Masons” and were presented on behalf of the British organization “Group Rothschild.” It is reported by UNN with reference to the Telegram-channel of the Department of strategic investigation of the National police of Ukraine.
“The founder and head of the Lutsk city organization of a political party established criminal scheme of extortion of money for alleged assistance in appointment to positions in the Supreme bodies of state power of Ukraine. The man seemed on behalf of the British organization “Group Rothschild”, used psychological manipulation and had the confidence of the victims”, – is told in the message.
It is noted that the diagram he was able to earn over 1.5 million dollars.
“Among the seized: the statement of the victim about the membership closed “group of Masons” ring “seal of the Masons” and, in fact, money”, – stated in the message.
We will remind, in the Volyn region exposed the man for “selling” the post of Minister for 200 thousand dollars.