Gennady Trukhanov

The Kyiv court of appeals refused to dismiss the Chairman of the Odessa city Council Gennady Trukhanov suspect. About it reports a press-service Apelaciones court of Kiev.

“On March 6, a panel of judges from the trial chamber for consideration of criminal cases of Appellate court of Kiev has considered the appeal complaint of Prosecutor in criminal proceedings against the suspect Trukhanov, G. L., submitted for the decision of the investigative judge of the solomiansky district court of Kyiv on February 27, 2018. The above mentioned resolution of the court of first instance denied the petition of the investigator of the National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine on dismissal from office of the mayor Trukhanov GL suspect,” – said in the message.

On appeal, the decision of the investigating judge of Solomensky district court of Kiev dated February 27, 2018 upheld, the appeal of the public Prosecutor – without satisfaction.

Trukhanov is suspected of committing a criminal offense under part 5 of article 191 of the criminal code ( assignment, waste of property or taking to them by abuse of official position).

See also: Business Trukhanov: the Court found reasonable suspicion to NAB the mayor of Odessa

14 Feb Trukhanov and his Deputy Paul Vogelman detained at Boryspil airport, passing the NAB. Both appear in criminal proceedings on misappropriation and embezzlement of property. February 15, at the courthouse, which was released both on bail of the Deputy from BPP Dmitry Golubov, clashed with the shooting (photos) with the participation of Razdrogin, the police and the titushky.

SAP appealed against the decision of the court with the requirement to elect Trukhanov arrest with a bail of 50 million UAH, however, the Appeals court denied this petition. Thus, the mayor of Odessa remains on bail until 15 April 2018.

In this February 26, Solomensky court of Kiev at the request of SAP arrested imushestvennykh.

See also: Business Trukhanov: NABU showed a diagram of embezzlement in Odessa

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