Andrew Hendricken accused in the beating and torture of Euromaidan activists on the colonnade of the stadium “Dynamo” in January 2014.
Andrew Hendricken accused in the torture of two euromaidan / photo by UNIAN
The prosecution appeal the court’s decision on acquittal of the former “to berkutovets” Andrew Hendricken, who was convicted of beating and torture of two Euromaidan activists.
It is reported by Gromadske.
As head of the group of prosecutors Valery Smirnov, the prosecution “strongly disagrees with the announcement of a court verdict Andrikio”.
Read takamisawa murder on the Maidan: the court left the four ex-“berkutovets” behind bars
“We definitely see the appeal, where it will be a professional panel of judges, which – rightly I hope – will make the fair decision”, – he said.
According to him, the judge went beyond the procedural “arbitrator”, when not given the prosecution the right of remarks during judicial debate on the case.
“We had specific valid arguments to refute the arguments of the defender Hendricken, Valentina Rybin, about the nonconformity of evidence and failure to prove the guilt of the accused. However, why the judge didn’t provide us the right to refute the position of protection during the debate. Our procedural law has been violated, and it is also we will specify in our appeal. On appeal, we have a month,” he said.
“Our group of prosecutors has very clear legal position on this matter and arguments of guilt, in particular Hendricken in the Commission of a crime. Notice the trial court’s decision is only the first stage in the case, ” the Prosecutor added.As reported the UNIAN, August 30, Dniprovskiy district court of Kiev acquitted the former “berkutovets” Andrew Hendricken, who was convicted in the beating and torture of two activists of the revolution of dignity in 2014. The sentence announced by the judge Oksana Beers.
According to investigators, 20 Jan 2014 Hendricken and another two former employees of special division “Berkut” Vladislav Mastiha and Tom Felts was beaten and detained 23-year-old Vladislav Clickage and minor Michael Nyskohus, which together with other protesters got out on the colonnade of the stadium “Dynamo” on the corner of Grushevsky streets and Park in Kiev.
According to “Gromadsky”, Hendricken is a valid employee of the Kharkiv police.
Mastiha and Felts after it announced it was suspected, fled to Russia. They were declared wanted, and the production of them isolated in a separate and suspended.