The victory of Susana Chutovo in the presidential election in Slovakia is of exceptional importance not only because in this country never before have women held the post of President, and because Chutovo, the representative of the liberal party which has no seats in the Parliament, I think, first of all the symbol changes. She’s 45, she’s a lawyer by profession, a mother of two children and owner of a prestigious environmental prize Goldman. As she came to power and why is it important for us? Says the edition of WoMo.
In response to the movement #MeToo the Council of Europe gave recommendations to avoid sexism, including the first international definition of this concept. What is “sexism” — read here.
And a few days later the Pope said that the Roman Catholic Church needs to recognize centuries of male domination and sexual violence against women and children. The Pontiff believes that the only way the Church can regain its reputation among the youth, otherwise it risks becoming a Museum. More here.
And at this time in Verona was held the XIII world Congress of families, an event to promote the right-Christian values. In response, the streets of the city March 30, 2019 released, according to various estimates, from 25 to 100 thousand protesters, angered by the onset of the “traditionalists” on women’s rights. About their experiences, having been in the thick of things, with WoMo shared writer Marina Sorina.
Famous Ukrainian artists, philanthropists, community activists, business people talked about their values and urged others to share your views or stories on human rights under the hashtag #DrawYourValues. Characters of the campaign are the co-founder of the brand Sleeper Katerina Zubarev, CEO and Director of strategy of the Memorial centre of the Holocaust “Babi Yar” Yana Barinova / songwriter and front-woman of the project “Luna” Christine. For WoMo they told me what values to follow and how to educate their child in accordance with them.
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