Denis and Sophia Lisovy, April 2019

Media Narodowe / YouTube

Denis and Sophia Lisovy, April 2019

Sputnik Polska / YouTube

The district court in Warsaw in Poland reviewed on Wednesday the extradition case to Sweden of the citizen of the Russian Federation Denis Lisova, which took away from the Swedish reception of Muslim family of three daughters and took them to Poland. As the correspondent of TASS from the courtroom, the court issued a ruling on the inadmissibility of extradition of a Russian citizen and family separation.

“The district court in Warsaw decided to refuse the extradition from Poland of a Russian citizen bodies of the Swedish justice under the European arrest warrant,” said the judge Dariusz Lubowski.

According to the judge, the European arrest warrant “violates freedom and human rights Denis Lisova”. “Swedish authorities seized a Russian citizen three children solely on the grounds of mental illness of their mother, putting Denis Lisova in conditions that he could not perform,” said the judge, Recalling that in Sweden “the children were placed in foreign cultural, religious and mental points of view,” the family that could adversely affect their health and mental state. “Father could not bear to see his children apply such harm,” – said Lubowski.

During the meeting, the judge thoroughly acquainted with all materials of the case, asked Denis Lisov many clarifying questions about family life in Sweden, in Poland. The judge asked also about whether the father fears that if extradited to Sweden he will not be able to see their children. “This is the worst thing that can happen in my life. I never see them again,” – said Lisov.

The man added that, “as the father has done and is doing everything possible for the well-being of daughters.” “These are my children, I have to educate them in our culture and in our traditions”, – said the Russian.

The Prosecutor and the lawyer Lisova in the courtroom unanimously asked the court to “approve the legal inadmissibility of extradition”. “There is a threat of violation of fundamental rights and freedoms of Denis Lisova,” said defender Babken Khanzadyan. According to him, it is important that the Polish law does not provide for punishment for the Russian citizen sane Sweden action [removal of children from the country], as he was not deprived of parental rights.

The judge also noted that the threat of a new deportation and separation from his father worsens the psychological condition of the eldest daughter of Sophia, RIA “Novosti”.

Denis Lisov said the intention to find work and to arrange for the daughters to kindergarten and school. He received several offers of employment and accommodation was provided. The eldest daughter attends school at the Russian Embassy in Warsaw.

In early April, Lisov and his three daughters 12, six and four years was detained by Polish border guards at the international airport of Warsaw, where they planned to fly to Russia. In Poland they came by ferry from Sweden, where previously lived. In 2017, the Swedish juvenile justice took the children from their father when their mother with a severe mental illness ended up in the hospital. The girls were placed in a foster Muslim family of Lebanese descent.

At the end of March is not deprived of parental rights Lisov took daughters from foster family. The Swedish authorities declared that the children wanted. In Warsaw on the protection of the family Lisovich stood Russian diplomats and lawyers, pointing to the provisions of the Convention on the rights of the child according to which children should not be separated from their parents. A court in Warsaw ruled to leave the children with the father on the condition that they will be in Poland and expect the outcome of their requests for asylum in the Republic.

Swedish authorities accuse Russians that he voluntarily took daughters, previously placed with a foster family juvenile justice, and took them out of the country. Because of this, Sweden has issued a European warrant for his arrest. The Prosecutor’s office of Poland, in turn, in accordance with the procedures referred the case to the court previously determined not to apply to Lisov of a measure of restraint in the form of a temporary arrest.