A photo of the painting in 1937 showed an image of the “iPhone”

There are several versions of what I tried to draw the artist
Italian poluabstraktnye Umberto Romano in 1937 finished the painting, “Mr. Pynchon and the settlement of Springfield.” It depicts the English colonist William Pynchon in North America. Next to the Pynchon — Indian in traditional dress and with feathers in her hair, which looks in an iPhone. It is reported by meduza.io.
Make a rectangular tablet in his hand for something else is not easy. Moreover, the painting depicts a bound male who tries to look at the phone screen, as if the Indian is looking at something very interesting. The other protagonists Romano, an Indian and an iPhone in his hand not paying any attention.
A strange object was noticed by the Motherboard editor Brian Anderson, who read about this picture in the article of the historian Daniel Crown of William Pynchon. William, incidentally, was a direct ancestor of the famous American writer Thomas Pynchon. And Thomas Pynchon, in turn, was born in 1937 – the same year when Romano finished the painting with William Pynchon.
As described later, the crown on the picture is, of course, not the iPhone, and even Android, and most likely an ordinary mirror. It could be a status symbol among the indigenous population of North America that valued different European invention.
Another version: it is either pocket-sized collection of Psalms that were common in the years of the life of William Pynchon, or the blade of a knife or any other metal object, suitable for the manufacture of weapons. On the latest version insists Dr. Margaret Bruchac that specializiruetsya on the history of native Americans at the University of Pennsylvania. She noted that many of the items depicted on the picture is wrong, as if the artist in fact never saw them.
“Mr. Pynchon and the settlement of Springfield”
Photo: postalmuseum.si.edu