The Netherlands advocated the reduction of the budget of the EU after BrexitPhoto:

Because of the British exit the EU budget will receive 10 billion euros annually

02.03.18 13100

The Prime Minister of the Netherlands mark Rutte called for a reduction in the budget of the European Union after the UK’s exit from the bloc. He said this during a speech in Berlin, reports European Pravda, citing Reuters.

“My goal for the multi-year budget is as follows: no increase in contributions, and the best results within a smaller budget,” said Rutte.

Dissatisfaction with the contributions to the EU budget was one of the main political problems in the Netherlands, which usually make the greatest contributions to the budget of the Union per capita.

Rutte criticized the spending on agriculture and development funds of the Union, who make up 70% of the budget.

“A little less spending on these things will free up space for our new priorities, such as strengthening border controls and increasing expenditure on military infrastructure,” he said.

Rutte said that the European funding of development projects should be tied to the willingness of recipient countries to carry out structural economic reforms.

He also said that allocation of funds should be linked to compliance with European agreements, such as the adoption of a proportional share of refugees.

“EU solidarity is a two – way street,” said Rutte, apparently referring to Hungary who refuses to accept refugees.

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The issue of forming long-term EU budget for 2021-2027 years, when Britain has come from the EU, was the EU leaders ‘ summit last week.

While the European Union, additional costs for defense, security and migration, the EU budget will receive 10 billion euros annually because of leaving the UK.