KIEV. April 20. UNN. Under the auspices of the fight against the social network Telegram Russia is building information and technical basis for significant events that can lead to the escalation of the international situation. This broadcast of “Radio Liberty” said the head of the information security apparatus of the national security Council and defense of Ukraine Valentyn Petrov, commenting on the recent blocking of social network Telegram in the Russian Federation, reports UNN citing the press service of the NSDC.
According to him, the Telegram itself is no big threat for information security of Russia, and it is not transparent for Russian security services.
“We are talking about a much larger issue. Russia is building information and technical basis for any significant events that may occur both inside the country and lead to the escalation of the international situation, ” – said Petrov.
In his opinion, this is the way Russia is preparing as to the closure from the outside world and implements a mobilization military training.
At the same time, Petrov said that the Ukraine last year blocked some Russian sites that have carried out anti-Ukrainian propaganda. He noted that blocking of Internet sites, that is, the protection of its own information space, it is common practice in Europe.
“But you should clearly define your motivation. If Ukraine and Europe, interlocking information resources that threaten information security, to protect themselves from external aggression, Russia is doing it to attack. That is, in Russia of blocking is a matter of protection from its own people, from the manifestations of his displeasure. And it does other things “, – explained the head of information security office of national security and defense Council of Ukraine.
Recall Tagansky court on Friday upheld the statement of Roskomnadzor about blocking access to messenger on the territory of Russia.
A separate item it was noted that the decision subject to immediate execution. However, the court ruled that the restriction may be lifted if the Telegram will give the FSB the keys to decrypt user messages. But the Telegram has repeatedly declared about the objective impossibility to fulfill such requirements.
The founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov said that “privacy is not for sale, but human rights should not be compromised out of fear or greed.”
Meanwhile, thousands of people social network looks for ways to bypass locks, installing special VPN or proxy configuration. Durov said that in the Telegram you will use built-in methods to bypass locks and regular users of a special manipulation, to stay in the messenger, is not required.
Durov advised not to delete and not reinstall Telegram if you experience problems with connection and download the updates for the application.