Pavel Adamovich, mayor of Gdansk was the last 20 years. Even at the University he became a member of the organization acting against the Communist government in Poland.

In 1990, the meeting is part of the city Council then holds a post of the mayor. In the early 2000s, Adamovich became one of the founders of the party “Civic platform”, but three years ago, the mayor came out of it. The reason – the accusations in the indication of false data in declarations on incomes. The meeting left a wife and two daughters, reports, “Диалог.UA”.

Adamovich, according to inforesist, died today, 14 January, almost a day after the attack. The fatal incident happened right at a charity concert organization “the Great orchestra of Christmas aid”.

The mayor of gdańsk stood in the corner of the stage, at some point, it the unknown ran up and repeatedly struck with a knife.

Film z ataku
Najpierw atakuje , później i znów mówi podchodzi do Adamowicza

— Krzysztof Zygowski (@_Zygowski_) 13 Jan 2019.

The offender stated that the murder of Adamovich – revenge of the party “Civic platform”. After the attack on the mayor the young man is still some time was on stage, he walked with her hands up. He also came to the microphone and said that in prison, although he was innocent.

“”Civic platform” tortured me. That’s why Adamovich died,” said the assailant. Later he was detained by the guards.

It turned out that the murderer was 27-year-old man named Stephen. In 2013, he was sentenced to 5, 5 years in prison for Bank robbery. Stephen was accused of stealing 15 million Polish zlotys (about four thousand dollars). In December 2018, the man was released.

For the concert, the assailant was able to get a press card how he got it is unknown. The attacker now faces 25 years of imprisonment or life sentence.

First, the mayor tried to save on the stage, he long conducted resuscitation. Then Adamovic was taken to medical center of medical University of Gdansk. The mayor had been shot in the heart, diaphragm and abdominal cavity. He underwent surgery, which lasted more than five hours. During this time, the mayor poured almost 20 gallons of blood, it gave many citizens.

But despite the Herculean efforts of doctors, Adamovich died today.

A number of Polish politicians have already made a loud statement. And the Minister of home Affairs Brudzinski said that the murder Adamovich is an inexplicable act of barbarity.

According to the Polish Prime Minister Moravcova, the killer deserves the most severe punishment.

Recall the terrible death in an accident in Poland Kisil among Ukrainian journalist and his mother.

It was also reported about the tragic death of Poland Ukrainian champion Minich.