Paul Shechtman
civic activist, writer Boring elections 2019Человек without a face. Why Vladimir Zelensky-2019 reminiscent of Vladimir Putin-1999
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20 years ago the same figure with no political past and put forward a cunning oligarch was adopted as the Messiah and Savior of Russia
15.01.19 91000
In Ukrainian politics, the real revolution: the leaders of the presidential race broke a man without a political past, the man more recently, it was impossible to imagine as something meaningful in the political scenario, Vladimir Zelensky
What are the striking features of this candidate that made it so desirable and attractive to a considerable number of Ukrainians? Taking a look at him more closely, we are surprised to find out that its main feature is the absence of any features. At all. Politically a man without qualities and without a face, a shadow.
“In the britzka sat a gentleman, not handsome but not bad-looking, not too thick, not too thin; not that old, however, and not so young too…”. And this gentleman, as we remember, was to the extent no and at the same time, for all tastes, some of the inhabitants of a provincial town NN suspect in it a secret of Napoleon.
With patriotism and all political beliefs Zelensky story is exactly the same as with the appearance of the above Gogol Chichikov. Opponents accuse him that his anti-humor and plays the worst stereotypes about “Ukrainians”. Supporters emphasize the manifestation of his patriotism. But if you look closely, and these symptoms some ambiguous.
When beaten by students and raced all Kiev, Zelensky said in an interview that he is ready to go to the Maidan, but not for the “promises of power or opposition” (that is, not for European integration, not against Yanukovych, General “policies Hawa”), and “for the people” and against violence. He then for three months will disappear from public fields and does not manifest itself when the Maidan is burning and there is blood.
Immediately after “little green men”in Simferopol, Zelensky suddenly bursts on the channel TSN peaceful political Declaration. He turns first to Yanukovych with a request to stop to stir up trouble (“you have been wise and strong… remember that you are a strong person and out of the way”), then to the new government to “disengaged” from the inhabitants of the East and Crimea and “allow them to speak Russian”, and finally to Putin with a request not to attack the Ukraine (“we are brotherly Nations, we share the same color, we have the same blood”), for what promised to even stand in front of him on his knees.
In the days when still wet blood of the Maidan, this position is not appreciated in the comments Zelensky showered with a hail of expletives, comparing the way in shadrinskiy wise gudgeon.
Finally in the summer of 2014, at the peak of the rise of patriotism and success of the APU, Zelensky visited a concert in the ATO zone, called the separatists from the podium, “scum” and listed the Ukrainian army million. It would seem, what could be more Patriotic?
The problem however is that the producer of a political show – it’s not the singer mouth that might be in the midst of war with impunity to declare himself “above the fray and out of politics”; in that situation inevitably had to choose between Russian and Ukrainian audience, and the actions Zelensky can be regarded as successful advertising campaign “Quarter” in front of his audience.
I’m not saying that’s bad, I say that it cannot be considered as evidence of persistent political beliefs, and any beliefs at all.
Interestingly, even fans Zelensky as a justification of their choice can only specify this one the negative side: “I was not, was not involved, not involved”. Especially “do not steal”. As if this is some special virtue for the entrepreneur in show-business. But all existing policies already showed that the mere absence (whether real or imaginary) of decorating their properties are already perceived as a virtue!
Of course, all this heavily involved on naive people’s lack of understanding of the systemic nature of problems, on the belief that the trouble – from the fact that the power thieves and scoundrels that it is enough just to choose the power of a good, honest man – he is forbidden to steal and things will get better.
All that said Zelensky as a “candidate” is exactly in line with the message: “I’m yours, I’m a good, honest and kind, and because with me you’ll be fine”
If you look closely, it is only the vulgarity, stupidity often finally sometimes treacherous stupidity. But they say something like “the common man” “common man” and as if on behalf of the “common man”.
Take for example the answer to the question Gordon about joining NATO and the EU. Anyone can see it as a refusal of entry. And the other one wants – the desire to be in Alliance with the Western democracies. Depends on what do you expect from Zelensky! After all, the man in the street, listening to starry-eyed rhetoric about “Union with Canada” will remember the anecdote about the “left to persuade the groom” and not wonder why Canada in the sole to guarantee assistance to Ukraine against Russia.
His arguments on political and economic topics of classical wisdom in the style of: “better to be healthy and rich…”. While in Switzerland, I like the system of referendums. And in Israel, a security system powerful. And still need to make so that in Ukraine everyone wanted to invest.
This set of Platonic wishes – completely in the style of talking of hard workers over a beer. From the policy expect a somewhat different: explanations of exactly how he is going to implement it, and what it intends to fight, and how to promote. We do not go to the doctor to hear: “my friend, being healthy is much better than being sick!”, accompanied by photos of happy and healthy.
It was not so bad, if not openly treasonous expressed willingness to surrender Ukraine to Putin. Of course, Zelensky says: “surrender Ukraine to capitulate”.
He says: “to stop the war and reach a compromise.” Again, accurate based on the “common man” with a beer, which long ago tired of the endless stalemate in the East. To conclude compromise – how? And somehow. Let Putin demands, and we will come up with their own, and somewhere in the middle of the get together… I’m Sorry, but the terms of Putin is known to all. The rejection of the Crimea. The rejection of European integration. Incorporation in Ukraine ORDO with all its not blown “Pushilin”. The reunification of “Russian World”.
In General, a complete refusal of Ukraine of its sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. What is a possible “compromise”? Of sovereignty can not give up halfway, it’s either there or it is not.
And it turns out that people successfully applying for the top post in the Ukrainian state, virtually incapable of thinking either in public or in the national, all political categories.
On all questions of state and nation building duty repeats the mantra: “it’s important to raise the economy”. But he’s even economic inability to think! Otherwise, he would have understood the meaning of the question Gordon on “the capitalization of Ukraine” and would not have incurred the duty of nonsense about the fact that “our main capital is people”.
- See ALSO: Wishlist like better. With the world on a string – Zelensky program
And here arises a natural question. How he was among the leaders of a presidential rating?
Ironically, it is precisely this impersonality is working on Zelensky, as she worked to Chichikov and another Russian character (about him later). Person (if not rougher) politicians from the traditional cage will not cause anything but disgust. Expect the same to want something, really want is the need of the heart, which is above cold reason. And people are starting to give a faceless doll invented by them by the terms…
To me this is terribly reminiscent of the Russian elections of 1999-2000, when the other man without a face and political past also put forward a cunning oligarch was adopted as the Messiah and Savior of Russia.
The Communists saw him as a secret Communist who had been forced reluctantly to cooperate with the damned liberals, the liberals – undoubted, though masquerading in front of the Communists, conductor of “liberal reforms”. About the then state of mind perfectly evidenced by this bar. Some Professor-Communist published in the newspaper of his academic institution an article revealing the neoliberal economists from the environment, then still Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. According to him, Gref, Kudrin, etc. are the source of all evil and destruction for Russia. Noting this, the Professor had finished the article… the apology of their patron Putin, whom all should go and vote, because it’s one salvation!
Of course, this does not mean that I compare Zelensky with Putin. The latter, except oligarchic puppeteers relied on the KGB, which very quickly was expelled from Russia his Karabas-Barabas and pointed his KGB “order”. Zelensky can only rely on “95 quarter”. With this background he will not have the chance to break with his puppeteer.
What is the implication of all this? It seems to me it is very sad. As it turned out, the Ukrainian society had a long way to go from the euphoria of the Maidan to the post-revolutionary fatigue and frustration – that in the end he had a request for the person who simply “was not, was not involved, not involved”. Sorry…
All materials of the author can be read here