The GPU will cause Leshchenko for questioning in intervention in U.S. elections

KIEV. May 16. UNN. General Prosecutor’s office will cause people’s Deputy Serhiy Leshchenko on interrogation on the case of intervention in the American elections and the disclosure materials of the pretrial investigation. About this UNN reported the press Secretary of the Prosecutor General Larisa Sargan.

“Was the briefing of the attorney General, where he said that interference in American elections and the disclosure of pre-trial investigation Leshchenko will be called for questioning,” said Gar.

She explained that currently the GPU does not cause on interrogation of Leshchenko, it is SAP.

“I reacted to the entry Leshchenko, who said that Lutsenko calls him in for questioning through his Deputy Golodnitsky. Leshchenko is necessary to examine the materiel – SAP and the GPU has a completely different structure. Leshchenko called SAP in for questioning on the fact of possible bribes from a business, due to what he bought himself an apartment in the center of Kiev”, – said the Gar.

According to her, the date of the call for questioning in the GPU are still unknown.

“When the investigators and prosecutors will be defined, then it will be called,” said Gar.

We will remind, the Special anticorruption Prosecutor’s office started criminal proceedings on the fact of possible bribery of the people’s Deputy of Ukraine Serhiy Leshchenko. At SAP, said that a woman will be summoned for questioning.

Earlier the public Prosecutor has not excluded that the people’s Deputy Leshchenko may give a suspicion of the disclosure of prejudicial information.

As reported UNN, Leshchenko said he had not received a call for interrogation in SAP.