Mariano Rajoy(photo – EPA)
The Spanish government decided to apply in respect of Catalonia 155-th article of the Spanish Constitution, which means the deprivation of the power of the current government of Catalonia and the introduction of direct rule from Madrid. At a press conference, Prime Minister
Mariano Rajoy said that the head of the Catalan government,
Carles Pujdeme, his Deputy and their advisers dismissed.
It is noted that the Generalitat, the Catalan government will have to operate under the guidance of the newly appointed bodies, current Ministers will keep the posts. “The Parliament of Catalonia will perform the Executive role”, but will not be able to recommend candidates for the post of head of Generalitat will be limited to certain powers. Within six months, must undergo a new election to the Parliament of Catalonia.
“I have a desire ( to hold the elections – ed.) as soon as we restore the normal state of Affairs,” said Rajoy.
According to the Spanish Prime Minister, using the 155-th article of the Constitution, the government aims to return to legality, to restore the normal state of things, and coexistence in Catalonia, to continue the recovery of the economy and hold elections.
“No government can accept that the law was violated,” he said, alluding to the actions of the government of Catalonia for the referendum on independence.
Rajoy also said that by the Declaration of independence, Catalonia would have lost 25-30% of GDP.
Announced application 155th article of the Constitution must be approved by the Senate of Spain, but there the people’s party Rajoy, the majority and the decision is likely to be easily accepted.
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