The gosgeokadastr is Svaha headed Kolotilin

Svaha fired from scandal
The government has temporarily assigned the duties of the head of the State service for geodesy, cartography and cadastre (Gosgeokadastr) Alexander Kolotilin.
As reported by Interfax – Ukraine, at the moment he holds the position of Director of the Department for control over use and protection of lands Gosgeokadastra.
Recall, October 25, the Cabinet has dismissed Oleg Svaha from office by the acting head of Gosgeokadastr.
“Mr. Zwach that from this minute you suspended from the performance of their duties. I turn to the Prosecutor General, the National anti-corruption Bureau, against open business, against all of your heads of regional offices to investigate and will sit”, – said the Prime Minister during the meeting of the development Council of regions in Kyiv.