Company news the Global Leadership Summit again in Ukraine

Kyiv | December 15-16
President Hotel | Hall the President of Hall | 12, Hospitalna street
In a time when people from all over the world affect the world, unite, change their ideas, I want to be in style. In Ukraine, a lot of smart and creative people, and it is important to help unlock their potential. Leadership, entrepreneurship, team work is a global trend. Because a key message of the Global Leadership Summit 2017 – “Leadership is influence! The leader is YOU!“
The summit is being held in 128 countries, in 60 languages and covers more than 400,000 members worldwide! Including in Ukraine!
The global Leadership Summit in Kiev is:
- 2 days in the atmosphere of the development
- 8 speakers, leadership lessons and personal strategies of influence, leadership and team management
- 8 video reports from founders of companies, world-class managers and world-renowned organizations
- 500 participants, among which you will find new customers, partners and like-minded people
Work in groups, practice leadership skills, extend their ideas and ways of solving tasks, ask questions and learn – all at the Global Leadership Summit in 2017!
- The definition of personal qualities of a successful leader
- Evaluation of the growth potential of your project, business or ideas
- Creating an innovation culture
- Increase productivity in your workflow
- New approaches to performance management
- Prosperity in crisis
*Possible minor changes.
- Yitzhak Pintosevich (business coach, an expert on influence and leadership, best-selling author),
- Mykola Kuleba (representative of the President of Ukraine on the rights of the child, administration of the President of Ukraine).
- Steve Weber (President of the Association “Emmanuel”, the head of the Alliance “Ukraine without orphans”, the generator of many public initiatives)
- Gleb Spivakov (the head of the Commonwealth Social Entrepreneurs, the leader of the international movement “Mission in business”),
- Svetlana Spivakova (head of the network of women’s fitness clubs FitCurves in 12 countries of Eastern Europe),
- Oleg trackin (head of the school of business “Factory of entrepreneurs”, entrepreneur, marketer, business consultant and business coach).
- Dmitry Rozenfeld (one of the best marketers in Ukraine, high-class specialist in presentations, a recognized master of public speaking. The founder of the “Studio selling presentations Dmitry Rosenfeld”.)
- Tatarchuk Valery (the Founder of Charitable Foundation “Your support”, co-founder of the charity project Charity Weekend, marketer (master))
- Olga Bogomolets (Head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on health, Advisor to the President of Ukraine for humanitarian Affairs. Ukrainian statesman. MP.)
- Bill Hybels (founder of the Global leadership Summit and pastor of Willow Creek Community),
- Marcus Baku(amerikanski popular author, founder of The Marcus Buckingham Company),
- Sam Adeyemi(founder of Daystar leadership for the leaders of Africa),
- Immacule Ilibagiza(social activist, bestselling author of Left to Tell (“live to tell”),
- Gary Hagen(founder of the “International justice mission”, the hero of publications in Foreign Affairs, The New York Times and Forbes),
- Angela Duckworth(University of Pennsylvania Professor, White house Adviser and world Bank),
- Fredrik Haren(author of the Idea Book (“Book of ideas”), which was included in the list of the 100 best business books of all time),
- Andy Stanley(author of books about leadership, communications specialist).
The market value of the participation in the Summit would have amounted to 2800 UAH! But thanks to the patrons and sponsors who share the mission and values of GLS, a significant part of the cost of the event is already covered and therefore the tickets have become much more affordable especially for students!
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