One of the leaders of the party Yuriy Boyko said that Igor rainin was opsz a long time.
Igor rainin (right) will lead opsi in Kharkov / photo UNIAN
The former head of the presidential Administration Petro Poroshenko Ihor rainin was elected head of the Kharkiv branch of the party “Opposition platform For life”.
According to the local Kharkiv Today, on November 27 the appointment came one of the leaders opsi Yuriy Boyko.
See also session hall of the Rada deputies OPSG included buzzer (video)
Boyko took the floor first and actually said rainin was OPSG long ago, but before that it was impossible to say.
“My friend, already can call him that, Rainin Igor Lvovich. Why you can say so, because at the time when he was in power and he held the position of head of the Administration, we tried to persuade him to stay there. He tried several times to leave, to quit, and we tried to persuade him to stay there. Now I can say it, but before this was not possible, because only in that group of Galicia, which defended the interests of Eastern Ukraine. Here he is with us defended in the most difficult times Kharkiv, Lugansk, Donetsk and not allowed to completely humiliate us, when was the nationalist government, and it was very difficult,” – said Boyko.
Against Rainin as the head of the Kharkiv regional organization “opsi” I didn’t vote for any one person, a few people abstained.
Video: KHARKIV Today
We will remind, Igor rainin was appointed head of the presidential Administration Petro Poroshenko in August 2016. 19 may 2019 Poroshenko dismissed Rainin from the position.