Learning in city schools January 14 will not start. The quarantine will last until the situation improves.
In Chernigov in schools and hospitals has been quarantined due to the excess epidporog incidence of influenza by 16% / photo UNIAN Chernigov in educational and medical institutions has been quarantined due to the excess epidporog incidence of influenza by 16%.

As the press service of the Chernihiv city Council, the decision was taken today at a meeting of urban operational headquarters for coordination of actions to prevent the spread of influenza and SARS in the city.

In particular, the head of the health Department of the city Council Vladislav Kuhar said that the results of the meeting with the chief doctors of city hospitals and in accordance with the order of the health Department of the city Council, the city will conduct a set of restrictive measures.

“First of all, this is a limitation of free access to the in-patient Department of hospitals for visitors, some of them will be redeveloped, which will be created special wards for the patients, etc.,” he said.

Kuchar also addressed to Chernigov with a request to take preventive measures, but if symptoms to stay home, not to self-medicate and seek immediate medical help, as this year the disease develops very quickly.

See also Ukraine died from influenza on 16-year-old girl (video)

According to him, at risk – children, people with complex co-morbidities pregnant women.

“Now for the city of 106 people sick with pneumonia of varying severity. They are hospitalized. Chernigov has recorded two fatalities from pneumonia with complications that have occurred due to late access to medical care,” added Kuhar.

In addition, as noted in the message, from January 14 to study in city schools will not begin, and it will continue to improve the situation.

According to the head of Department of education of the city Council Vasily Bilogora, monitoring of the incidence of children attending kindergartens, and prevention activities in schools are conducted daily. Today in kindergartens do not exist 57.5% of the children, of whom, according to parents, with 9.5% because of the disease. Schoolchildren are on vacation, but many teachers are now on sick leave. Therefore, it is recommended to extend the vacation period in the city’s schools.

Head of Department of Chernihiv city Department of se “Chernihiv regional laboratory center of the Ministry of health of Ukraine” Svetlana Alandarenko reported that since the beginning of the epidemic season of influenza and SARS sick to 30 thousand 446 people, including 21 thousand 416 children. Since the beginning of the epidemic season vaccinated in the city of 1454 persons, from them – 667 children.

For the current week, the incidence increased and was 3662 cases of influenza and SARS, including children – 50%. In hospitals the hospitalized 37 people, of which 51% are children under 17 years. Studies have confirmed the flu in 12 cases.

As UNIAN reported earlier, since the beginning of the year in the Chernihiv region as a result of complications from the flu has died four persons.

In Chernihiv students extended winter break until January 14, to avoid quarantine.