In a fire in August at the hotel killed a young resident of Kharkov. Examination of the remains of the child of the Sum is still not completed.
In Odessa in the night of August 17 during the fire in hotel “Old Tokyo” nine people were killed / photos GSCS Odessa identified the ninth victim of a fire that occurred in August in the hotel “Tokyo Star”.

As reported the UNIAN, the Prosecutor of the Odessa region, the ninth victim, a male born in 1984.

“This resident of Kharkov – the last identified, not counting girls, in which genetic analysis is not yet completed”, – said the employee of Prosecutor’s office.

He said that so far the examination of the remains is assumed to be 10-year-old resident of Sumy, located in the hotel with their parents. The child’s mother died and the father managed to escape.

See also Odessa suspect handed another employee of the hotel “Tokyo Star”, in which 9 people died

As UNIAN reported earlier, in Odessa in the night of 17 August, during a fire in the hotel “Tokyo star”, killing nine people. In particular, residents of Odessa region (boy, 2002 and a girl, 2001 B.), Two Ukrainians (husband, 1995, n. and women, 1996, n), 58-the summer inhabitant of the Dnepropetrovsk area and 73-year-old Australian. In addition, killing a resident of Sum and, by assumption, her 10-year-old daughter. In October, Primorsky district court of Odessa ordered law enforcement to investigate the circumstances of the death of this child. A lawsuit was filed by activist Nikolai Koval, which provides that the girl’s father was able to save his wife and daughter, but for unknown reasons did not.

The owner Vadim Black and senior administrator Irina a Steamboat arrested and placed in jail. Co-owner of the hotel and the chief engineer in absentia notified of the suspicion. Also among the suspects – 30-year-old woman who was on duty at the hotel on the night of the fire.

All defendants are charged with infringement of requirements of fire security, entailed heavy consequences (part 2 of article 270 of the criminal code of Ukraine).