To resume the educational process provided space and audience on the initiative of the Board of Directors of the colleges of the region.
At the College where the fire occurred, is still a lifeguard / Duma

Students affected by the fire of the Odessa College of Economics, law and hotel and restaurant business will resume training on Monday, December 9.

As reported the UNIAN in a press-service of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, this available space and the audience on the initiative of the Board of Directors of the colleges of the region.

See also Odessa has increased the number of those killed in the fire in College”the Educational process will be held in the classrooms of the Odessa financial and economic College Kyiv national trade and economic University. Training will continue in the other building of the Odessa College of Economics, law and hotel and restaurant business on the street of the heroes of Kruty, 19″, – stated in the message.

At the College where the fire occurred, is still a lifeguard. While it is known about the four dead, the fate of the 11 people remains unknown.

“The Ministry of education and science expresses its condolences to the families of the victims and all those affected by the fire”, – added in Department.

As UNIAN reported earlier, on December 6 was established the governmental Commission on investigation of causes of the fire.

Prime Minister Alexey Goncharuk also ordered to carry out extraordinary inspections of the SSES of the state of fire safety on objects of increased risk, where the constant is a large number of people.

On the morning of 4 December in the Odessa College of Economics, law and hotel and restaurant business on the 3rd floor of a 6 storied academic building was on fire, the area of which reached 4 thousand sq. m.

Upon a fire criminal proceedings under part 2 of article 270 (violation established by the legislation of fire safety requirements) of the Criminal code of Ukraine. We consider two versions of the ignition – emergency operation of electrical equipment and arson.