The expert explained how the DGF extorts money from the Ukrainians
Uncategorized December 19, 2017KIEV. 19 Dec. UNN. Ukrainians are poorer by tens of billions of hryvnia due to the inefficient operation of the Deposit guarantee Fund of natural persons. Such opinion in comments for UNN expressed by the Director of the Institute of economy Alexander Goncharov.
“The Deposit guarantee Fund operates extremely inefficiently. Tens of billions of hryvnias of taxpayers take the DGF in order to pay off the obligations to depositors of failed banks. The number of those who are still waiting for their money, is impressive. After four years 50% of Ukraine’s banking system went bankrupt. We have 90 banks from 186, which was introduced to the market in 2013,” he said.
See ALSO: Experts have called the liquidation of the banks in Ukraine is a farce
In the event of liquidation of the Bank, the hostage situation, become not only the depositors but also borrowers. Because each liquidator of the Fund, authorized by the provisional administration, all — powerful master on “their territory,” said Alexander Goncharov.
“The Fund is a master, he does what he wants, twist arms to whomsoever he will. And the consumer is always wrong. Colorful example of management of the Fund is the situation with foreign currency loans. At the time when the currency slipped sharply to 23-24 15-16 hryvnia per dollar, a currency borrowers received a decision from the courts about the possibility of fulfillment of obligations under loans in the national currency.
But it did not become a hindrance to FGVFO, which began to extract money from people in the opposite court. Also, using the financial illiteracy of the population, the liquidators of the banks resorted to intimidation of borrowers. And a related Fund demand money in order to avoid the “pressure” — said the expert.
Also in Ukraine, thanks to the DGF, and “not caught” American standards for the protection of investors.
“FGVFO doesn’t want to listen to the recommendations of our Western partners and sponsors. In 2012 was made an internal regulation of the Fund and was carried out the selection of financial advisors. This was done in accordance with the practice of Federal Corporation for the protection of depositors the United States. Today in 2017, and until now we have in Ukraine is not selected, none of finconsultant who would carry out advanced, high standards, and practices of our American colleagues. Americans have DGF technical assistance, conducting various round tables, seminars. But we this practice and have implemented and are gone from various kinds of corruption component,” — he concluded.
We will remind, the Director of the Fund Konstantin Vorushilin did not declare two houses and a clinic in the occupied Crimea.